An offer

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How can you describe the moon ?
It's the same hesitation when it comes to Maya , A 50 (that looks like she's in early 30s ) , the passionate dancer, the mother of Mira ( 18 years old ) .

Mira was learning dance at her mother academy which was created by her husband Raj ( the businessman and writer ) when someone looks at them , they will find them as true lovers not as married couple .

September 2021:
Maya : Mira , did you finish? , we are too late you will miss your aeroplane.
Mira : ok Mom , I'm coming.
Mira went downstairs, finds that her mother is waiting for her at salon.
Mira: where's my dad? i want him to go with us to the airport
Maya : he's coming sweetie, you don't even imagine how I'll miss you dear , how time flies, you're an adult now , you'll leave us now to USA .
Maya wiped her tears and Mira hugged her .
Raj : and don't I deserve a hug , beautiful ladies ?
Mira : dad come pls , Raj kissed Maya's forehead
He knew how she can't live without Mira .
Raj then hugged them both : we gonna miss you little lady .
Mira : I'll miss you both dad , pls dad tell my mom to not reject the offer of the channel , I'll leave and you have your own business, so mom you'll be alone .
Maya : but what happened to you both ? You forgot about my academy?.
Raj holding her shoulder : don't lie honey, the academy took Maximum 2 hours , 5 days a week .

Month ago:
MR Academy ( Maya & Raj Academy) , did a free dancing show for one of the primary schools, Maya danced and one of children's parents was director of dancing show .
They were already searching about judge but no one accepted to do the show , so when they saw maya it was like a new hope has been born again for them .
She was their only chance .

Next day :
They came to meet Maya , Ryan the director, went with his assistant director, Nesha .
They were trying to convince Maya to do the show , while they don't know anything about her cv .
They just asked about her the headmaster of the school and she gave them the academy's name.
They found Maya at her office.
Ryan : Good morning maya ji, I'm Ryan Chaudary , the director of dance for us show and this is my assistant miss Nesha paul .
Nesha : Namaste !
Maya was wondering , what do they want from her ?
Maya standing up : Hello welcome, have a seat ( pointed to the chairs )
It was quite small office with three chairs in light brown colour and a desk , few pictures of her dancing and one with her family were on the wall behind her .

Maya : what do you want to drink , and it's something you couldn't refuse
Nesha smiling : if it's so , coffee
Ryan : me too
Nesha : so Ma'am , we know you are asking yourself who are they and what they want but , we saw you perform, maya rising her eyebrows
On that school performance,
Ryan: Maya ji I'm one of the kids' parent and she came with me and we saw your amazing performance
Nesha : yes ma'am it was amazing, we loved it so much
Maya : oh thanks , but do you want me to dance in your show or what? ( maya looked at their eyes with questioning face , she was slight anxious)
Ryan : actually Ma'am we want to begin a new journey and we announced that but unfortunately we failed to convince the two female judges of the previous season to join and as we saw your amazing dance and you have your own academy so it's an excellent opportunity that you can work with us as a judge .
But I want to ask you , did you perform or judge a tv show before ? Because I' ve searched last night and I saw your name is quite famous 15 years ago .
Maya (playing with pen and seemed so panic ) : actually I have my family and academy so I can't give you my decision now. I did judged dancing shows and I was performing in few movies , I can show you my cv too I did a lot of movies with was dancing centred
You're right about that but it was more than 15 years ago and I quitted everything after I got married .
I came back in 2014 for a tour around the world with Rahul Khanna .
Nesha : wooow amazing so perfect, can we see your cv pls , it seems so interesting
Maya : so pls come here with your chairs and sit besides me .
Maya opened her PC and started to show them her cv
Nesha : omg , I saw this movie you were With Rahul omg I didn't notice you even you didn't change at all
Ryan : so last show was in 2014!
Maya: yes after that I  couldn't manage my time with their schedules so I quit reality shows
Nesha: that's so perfect maam , and excuse us because we didn't know you
Maya : it's ok
Ryan: maam you're the one pls don't disappoint us, pls think and this is our card . You can call us when you take the final decision, but pls again take your full time , you're our only chance for this project.

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