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Baileys POV

I sat on the plush, yellow sofa next to Miles. Me and the girl with the braids glared at each other, while Rafa and the dude with the curly black hair had a staring competition. Then her eyes lit up in anger, and he went to stand up Collin walked in, holding a knife. He cut my ropes, bounding my wrists in front of me, as well as Miles'. He stood between us, as someone else entered the room. He was about to speak, when the guy who was staring at Miles piped up. 

''why are they here and when are we killing them Hoskins!?'' He yelled, looking at us. I stood up, but Miles pulled me back down. We all glanced to Collin, as he sighed, giving us a look. I couldn't tell what it was, but he looked at Miles while he spoke. He didn't want me starting anything with these, knowing they all had guns, accept This girl with the braids.

''The ransom was sent and paid, but there's another issue. Their town was attacked, so they cant return. They will be staying with us, so. Trish, Earl, Janelle? meet Miles and Bailey Turner.'' He said, pointing to The girl with the freckles, the dude with the get black hair and the one with the joint. Trish stood up, anger and hatred in her eyes. Collin signalled for Miles to follow him, and he turned to Janelle. 

''Keep everyone in order. don't screw up.'' He growled, looking at Her. She nodded and looked at Trish. I stood up and took a step forward as Miles and Collin left for one of there 'bro-talks'. Janelle left with Earl for a second, mumbling something about food. She kicked me, as I swiped her feet from under-neath her. She grabbed my ankle and I came crashing to the floor. She  got on top of me, punching my face like her life depended on it.

 I moved my head so her hand hit the floor, and turned her over, beating the crap out of Her, while on top of her. She turned us around once more, as she took his fist to my face. I thrashed under neath her weight, as she choked me, his hands gripping around my neck. I kicked her leg, and she fell off of me in pain. I got on top of her, sitting on Trish's waist, and punched her once more, as her nose became deformed. 

I felt something trickle down my shoulder, and put my hand there it was. It was blood. I punched Trish again, as she tried to get her pocket knife. I was going to punch her again, but I felt arms around my abdomen, pulling me up and around. I fell to the floor with a clatter, looking at the person above me. It was Collin, annoyance and anger obvious in his expression. I tried to escape his grip, but his hand son my shoulders tightened. 

''Calm the hell down!'' He yelled, staring at me. I stopped after awhile, as he stared down at me. Miles came in, and rushed to my side, staring at my bloodied and bruised face, as well as my bruising neck. His head whipped around to Trish, and He stood up. He read ready to kick her ass, but collin put a hand on his shoulders shaking his head. Collin looked at me, then back to Miles. He stood up, looking at us again. 

''What the hell happened!?'' He yelled, looking at a panting trish, and a bloody me. She tried to stand up, but failed miserably. I smirked as she tried again, and I stumbled to my feet. We each got to our feet, as we squared each other up. I could feel her hot breath on my face, as she scowled at me. 

''This is going to be a good round two..'' I heard from earl as miles appeared behind me, his usual menacing look obvious. Trish's pupils dilated, as fear filled them. I bit my lip as the fear disappeared, and anger appeared in her eyes again.

She kicked me once more, and i went to punch him, until Miles pulled me backwards by the arm. Collin stood in between us, his arms spread out. He looked at Miles, who stood there, against the wall. He sighed one more time, before looking at us. I was like a dear facing a gun, in a forest. was rooted to the spot, anger taking over. I was snapped out of my thoughts as he spoke again. 

''Miles. take her to my room. Janelle, clean up Trish.'' Collin said, as Miles grabbed my hand, And dragged me out of the room, past Trish and Janelle  He pulled me through a series of hallways, until we reached a door. He opened it leading me in. He reached for a cloth and walked into the bathroom connected to his room. He wiped the blood away, revealing my bruised, busted up face. I gasped as he wiped my neck, the bruises sticking out like sore thumbs. I heard a knock on the door, and looked at Miles. 

''Decent.'' He said, before the door opened. Miles looked over to see Collin at the door. He sighed and sat on his bed, looking at me. Miles wasn't in the stupid brown jumpsuit he was given. He had a pistol now, and he wore a blue trench coat type jacket, and a black button up underneath. Collin watched as My brother fussed over me, checking me over for injuries. 

''Bails, if your hurt anywhere else you have to tell us.'' He said, and my mind glossed over the cut on my neck. I shook my head, and Collin looked at me, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. I stood up, and leaned against the wall, rubbing my face. It was mine and rafa's first day out of that stupid cell, and I had already fucked it up. 

''You beat his ass, ill give you that.'' Janelle said, placing a bundle of clothes into my arms.She sweetly smiled and I smirked. Me and Janelle would be great friends. It was a jacket, a dark blue shirt, black pants and boots. I looked up at Janelle and thanked Her. They all left so I could change out of the tatty jumpsuit. 


Words: 1060

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