Before Everything kicks off

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1954 Texas, Miles turner and his sister, Bailey Turner, stranded alone, by there parents, in the middle of an orcistrated attack on there elders gang. As Miles tried to protect his sister, the two are whisked into captivity by an opposing gang for ransom. What happens when they meet a certain cowboy? What happens when the ransom is interjected?

Main Characters:

Bailey Turner - Main Character, The POV youll read, Miles turners sister, Collin Hoskins Love interest

Miles Turner- Baileys Brother, Ashleys love interest.

Collin Hoskins- Main character,  Baileys Love Interest, Nancy hoskins eldest son.

Nancy Hoskins- Collin hoskins mother, Janelle Hoskins mother.

Janelle Hoskins- Collin Hoskins brother, Nancy Hoskins daughter, Love interest to Earl Scott

Ashley Jones- Miles' love interest. 

Nancey Watson- Trish Watsons mother, Mother figure to Sean.

Trish Watson- Nancey watsons only daughter, frenemy to Bailey Turner

Sean Clifford- The gangs pride and joy, Miles Turner and Ashley Jones' 'son'. 

Earl Scott- Love interest for Janelle Hoskins. 

The two casal siblingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin