The Ransom.

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Bailey's POV

I stirred in my sleep, before waking up. My ankle felt numb, and mouth felt dry. I gathered my surroundings and gasped, as i looked at Miles. His face was all bloody, he had a black eye, this wrists were bruised. He looked over to me, as I scuttered to him. My ankle was on fire, but I had to make sure he was okay. I put my hands on his cheeks, as he smiled at me. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. 

''Thank the lords they changed the chains to our ankles. I couldn't of done it if my arms were above my head'' He said, and I slightly laughed. When we were in captivity he still had the power to tell funny jokes to make my day. He kissed my forehead, and smiled at me once more, his goofy, toothy but loving smile. I hugged him again, as we heard the doors locks unlocking. We immediately pulled apart, as we saw the two men once more, but unmasked. 

One of them unlocked the cuffs, while the other pointed a gun at me. I was pulled upwards, as I was taken into a room, I heard Miles yelling. I gulped, knowing he would do something stupid soon. I was handed a  set of clothes. It was a dirty and old jumpsuit. I looked up at the man, as he stared down. 

''Change. Now.'' Was all he said, anger hearable in his voice. I slowly took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I pulled on the jumpsuit, as the person stared down at me once more. I grasped my arm tightly, and dragged me back to wear Miles was. He was wearing the same one as me. My wrists were tied in front of me, and my feet bound below me. 

Someone tugged the rope leading me, signalling for me to follow them. My brother was next to me, on a rope with someone else. We stayed silent, not wanting to be shot. A bag was placed onto my head, as we walked. We stopped, before I was pushed down to my knees, and my hands tied behind my back. 

The bag was pulled off of my head, as I looked up, two women, and two men, all unmasked. One of them had afro-like short hair, one had braid cascading down her shoulders from her head, and one of them had a joint in there mouth, smoking it every so often.  And the last one? He had braids and a well trimmed beard, his leather coat hiding a blue patterned shirt under neath, as a bandana hung around his neck. My heart missed a beat as we locked eyes. I watched as the one with the short brown hair bent down, looking at miles. Miles bit the inside of his cheek as he could feel the mans hot breath on his face. 

''What's your name? And what's your girlfriends name?'' He asked, and i gagged. Miles? My BOYFRIEND!?  I Smiled as my brother burst out into laugher, and the entire group looked at us, confused. I smirked as miles got closer to the man, practically spitting on him. 

''My names Miles, and my SISTERS name is bailey. got it weirdo!?'' He said, already threatening him. He was so stupid. we were the hostages in this situation. The one with the short s brown hair, that im nicknaming dandy, stood up, and kicked him in the gut angrily, until one of his friends pulled him back. The one with the joint tried to console her friend, as the girl with braids came forward. 

''The ransom has been given to your village. They have three hours to reply, if they don't? You die.'' She said, simply and bluntly. Miles looked at me, knowing we were fucked. My father was never popular, and neither was our family. Many hated us, hated our guts. All because of my fathers morals and acts. 

''ill take them back there cell.'' The one who previously kicked miles murmured, grabbing my rope and Rafael's. He didn't bother putting a bag over my head, nor Miles. we stared at each other, confused, but went with it. We entered the cell after what felt like an hour of walking. He chained me to my spot, then moved to Miles. He kicked him over, doubling down in pain. He punched my brother as i screamed for him to stop, and leave us alone.

 After awhile. He stopped, and turned to me. I knew it was my turn. I yelled in pain as he kicked, punched and even at one point he slit my cheek open with a pocket knife. He stopped again, and we heard three sets of footsteps as the same women and men came rushing down the stairs. Yelling filled the room, as the one with dreads rushed to my side, checking me over. I hadn't broke anything, but Miles was worse. I pulled myself forward, to My brothers side, as I realised his head was bleeding. 

''No! NO! MILES STAY WITH ME!'' I screamed bundling his head in my lap, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. Everyone stared at me, as I cried onto my older brothers face, trying to save him. Eventually his head stopped bleeding, and I ripped two pieces of cloth off my jumpsuit, and tied them together, wrapping it around his head. Miles slowly breathed as I got up, looking at dandy. 

''you did this to my brother!'' I yelled, as i walked forward. The girl with the joint got in between us, so I didn't punch his lights out. I ducked under him, as i got to dandy. I punched him in the face making him stumble a little bit. I kicked him in the balls, and pounced on him, as i punched and hit him. I heard yelling as someone wrapped arms around my chest, pulling me away from the situation.

''what is your deal girl!'' The one with dreads yelled, sitting me down in front of him. I tried to get up, so I could get a round two, but his firm grip on my arms kept me down. He stared at me, into my soul, as we heard slurring from beside us. Miles was waking up, I looked over to him staring at us. He was confused, like he was trying to work something out. 

''Hoskins..?'' He asked, and everyone fell silent. I looked at the man again, noticing his eyes. No.. this couldn't be happening. Collin god damn Hoskins went missing after a stupid teenage gunfight 5 years ago. I slapped him, as everyone fell quiet once more. Miles sat up, but hissed in pain. He moved his head forward, and stared at him again. 

''surprise..?'' Collin said, shaking his hands. I glared at him, as I stood up, and he left the room with his goons. I looked to Miles who stood there, anger obvious in his eyes. 

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