CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base

Start from the beginning

Nomad: "Easy, kid! one of these days you're going to break my back with these surprise attacks." he states jokingly. "Your getting better at sneaking up on me, especially with your strength."

Sasha smiled proudly before she gets off Nomad who gets back up onto his feet.

Cassidy: "well she gets her strength from her mom." she claims as she sits down by the fire.

Sasha sat next to her mom as Nomad got back on his seat.

Obi Wan: "Do you have one of these... superpowers?" he asks, trying to think of the word.

He's read about these supernatural powers around the world. Quirks, Semblances and Magic. If this world was found DURING the Clone Wars, oh boy. Order 66 would be the least of the Republic's problems.

Cassidy: "No. I was experimented on and given my powers through sick experimentation." she explains. "I don't exactly like to talk about it."

Obi Wan: "Then don't." he said, calmly.

(Y/n): "Master Kenobi." he calls.

The jedi looked over his shoulder and saw (Y/n) and Luna standing far from the group waving over to him. Signaling for him to come over. Obi Wan gestures to Nomad to give him a minute before standing up and walking over to the Admiral.

Obi Wan: "need something?" he asks.

(Y/n): "i wanted to formally introduce you to my apprentice." he said before looking at Luna.

Obi Wan turns his attention to the youngling who was nervous.

Luna: "I-I'm Luna." she introduces nervously.

Obi Wan: "Obi Wan Kenobi." he said before turning his attention back to (Y/n). "I feel like there was a reason for this introductions."

(Y/n): "I just want to establish that there is no bad blood between us." he replied. "I want to help her overcome her emotions and past, with her Force Sensetivity I figured that it would be worse without proper guidance. So I took the liberty to train her so she can both defend herself and have good mental strength." he explains, leaving out the whole Revenge Plan thing Luna has.

Luna knows he left it out on purpose and didn't say anything about it. She still wishes to claim revenge against the Bandits and United Forces. Obi Wan gently caressed his beard, taking in the information.

Obi Wan: "A reasonable decision. But how do I know you won't betray her? Like all sith do?" he asks, a little hostile.

Luna glared at him. (Y/n) sensed her anger and gave a quick glance that lasted a second before he hardened a gaze at Obi Wan.

(Y/n): "I might be a Sith. But I'm not selfish. Everything I did was for the people, not myself. Unlike Dooku and Sidious, I understood my goals." he said. "Fight for the rights of the people, uphold Justice and throw aside any selfish desires. The Populace first, my well being last."

Hearing his words, Obi Wan can only think about the times they've teamed up during the Clone Wars. It's clear they were enemies, but (Y/n) never openly attacked him even though he had a clear shot to eliminate an enemy. He now understands why. (Y/n) has never killed innocent people, he's only killed Jedi that attacked first. He's always looked for alternative solutions that would save lives instead of take them. He may have been a Sith, but in many ways, he acted like a Jedi. He fought for a cause he believed in, not for his own desires.

Obi Wan: "You would've been a wise Jedi. Maybe even the best of us." he said.

(Y/n): "I chose my side." he said, calming down. "As have you."

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now