X's Origin

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"Okay.. so.." X dragged Sonic's full attention to him before he can start.

X is now going to tell Sonic his story.. what might he be hiding from Sonic?? It will be revealed soon..


X was silent for a while, he was still unsure if he should tell Sonic about his whole story yet, but he just decided to try and trust Sonic for a while.. since he didn't really see anything hostile coming from Sonic yet.

"I am not from here.." X revealed.
"I am from another planet that looks exactly like this one, but it's a bit darker and red-ish. It has soon became worst, the mobians in there started going against eachothers, dark energy corrupted all of the population which caused a huge damage to the innocents and animals, hell even plants.." X started to explain, his voice seemed like he was angry.

 "I.. have been corrupted, nothing changed into my personality or memory, only my face has changed, and I got more abilities for some reason.." X decided to not mention his abilities just in case Sonic would find his weakness or something.

"Some of the mobians had the same experience as mine, but they became worse, as soon as they have mastered their abilities.. each of them went to a different universe to attack it and reign it, which was horrible.." X felt his throat tightening a bit.. his fists clenched in frustration.

"They wanted me to join them but I refused. After some days of corruption, someone found out I have an ability that-.. erm, they don't have, so they are going after me to take that ability from me and copy it, but I teleported somehow to this planet and got attacked by others in here.. I even got offered a hand of help, and they ended up breaking my arm.." X finally said, though he inhaled to add more details.

"I got my leg injured before my arm gets broken from what seemed to be a werewolf or something- he bit my leg then I killed it, which I had no idea it belongs to someone, their owners started chasing me for hours until I lost them in the forest, after that, a Green hedgehog, as I said.. offered me a hand of help, and then I got my arm broken by him.. which I hardly ran with my injured leg, and then you found me when I fell down by an icy rock." X finished his explanation, then coughed a little and held his throat as a sign of feeling thirsty.

"Oh.. um, one sec." Sonic said, he went quickly to the kitchen and came back holding a cup of water, he placed it in front of X and sat back down. X said 'Thank you' in a very low tone that Sonic barely heard it, but he nodded then he zoned out a bit. "Green hedgehog?? How does he look like?" Sonic asked, he had one mobian suspected that has green quills color already.

X looked around thoughtfully, trying to remember how the previous hedgehog looked. "Hm.. he has blue eyes and a scar on his belly, I think he was wearing red glasses too.." X trailed off a bit as he completely forgot the other details, but he said everything he knew as of currently.

"Scrouge.." Sonic said immediately, his suspicion was right. "I am sure gonna beat him up for you." Sonic said, furrowing his eyebrows in anger and raising one of his fists in reaction. Sonic then sighed and looked at X with awe. "Also w-wait, you are corrupted? That's why your eyes are sorta.. scary?" Sonic asked, his voice tone sounded as if he is nervous or scared, or maybe both. Sonic.exe tilted his head then looked away for a moment. "Oh yeah, my eyes became like that, and my teeth became sharp as well, and I see the changes on my fingers, they look sharp too." X answered casually as if he is already used to his new look, He looked at his hand as to show his sharp fingers.

"Not gonna lie, that hit you gave me on my belly actually hurts." Sonic said, giggling a bit, reminding X of the previous day's events. "Oh right, sorry about that, I was angry and under pain pressure." X said as he frowned, he placed his hand back down and started to look at the table in silence, but Sonic soon brushed it off and sighed. "So you felt pain, heh, and you said you didn't need help? If I didn't get your butt here with force you would have got a frostbite already. Besides.. Christmas is coming this week, so consider this as your Christmas gift." Sonic said while crossing his arms, he looked at X and grinned.

X blinked then looked back at Sonic. "I think this is the first Christmas gift I get from somebody so far." X said genuinely, his eyes looked as if he is hurt, but he also appreciated the help Sonic gives to him. "Hey um, actually, would you stay until Christmas? I don't mind at all, I can introduce you to my friends." Sonic said with a cheerful voice, he even looked happier than before, and more excited.

".. I don't know.." X answered, he is trying his best to ignore anymore offers to not get fooled again and get in trouble. "Still doesn't trust me right? Well, just try me, I promise you won't regret this." Sonic said, he tried his hardest to make X trust him, because he honestly hates it when somebody doesn't have faith on him or trust him, because he is considered as a trusted hero.

X remained silent then he looked away. "I will think about it." He said after a moment of silence, giving Sonic hope for a good answer. Sonic smiled then stood up. "Alrighty, well it's your lucky day I am available all day, I won't get out of the house so you won't be alone." Sonic said, he stretched his arms and legs lazily, he then sat beside X and got the TV remote from the table. "Wanna watch a movie?" Sonic asked, he looked at X with the corner of his eyes, and he saw X nodding slightly.

Sonic started to switch through Netflix movies and finally stopped at one of the movies that caught X's attention, and he decided to watch it with him.

[To be continued]

// Oops, ruined the moment again, didn't I? :)//

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