Chapter 2

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" Hi guys , I am Samantha Greens and here are my friends Daniel Rodrigo, Nina Mills, Dave Somerset and Rachel Radcliffe, so it is 2:40 am at night and we are going to see if that famous Japanese urban legend of ' The house in Hiragana village' which  is actually true or just a legend and right now we are walking down this grasslands of the hillside at the outskirts of Old Hood town towards an abandoned mansion." Sami said, recording herself and setting it up capturing the views of them walking. 

They almost reached an cold desolate house, they could hear the crunching of grasses and leaves and the chirping of cricket. Each of them held a torch as it was too dark outside.

" Here.. guys!" Daniel cried pointing towards the gate of the house, it was a small house, there were loads of creepers and grasses grown near it. A strong gust of cold wind blew past them, the trees shook when suddenly there was a drop dead silence engulfing them that they could hear their heart racing. 

" Why is it so cold in here?"Nina said, rubbing her arms. 

" But have ever wondered why it's chosen as the portal..?"Sami asked, gaping at it. 

" A long time ago, some aristocrats and king's men used to have this mansion as a bawdy house. They used to get drunk and lure and kidnap those  innocent girls in the name of love and torture and humiliate them. Many of those girls committed suicide while some of them were killed by those men. This house is said to be haunted by their spirits. "

" What...", Nina said in a trembling voice,  a deep chill ran down her spine. Dave went near the door and pushed it. 

" It's locked ", he said, holding a huge lock that was placed near the handle. 

" Don't worry, I got something" , Daniel said and took out a hammer from his bag. 

" Seems like Daniel came with everything ready, afterall he is such a determined boy", Sami said facing her recorder and gave a smirk to him.  
He went near the door and hit it with the hammer. The door was made up of steel and shook making a loud ringing sound which echoed in the midst of the drop dead silence of the forest. The lock was rusted and after a few hits  it broke. They pushed it and the door opened with a loud creak sound which almost made us flinch. As soon as they opened the door, a sudden gush of cold wind blew dragging dry leaves and twigs on the floor. It was extremely dark, they all scattered to different sides exploring with their torches. Sami still held the recorder and moved her torch, it was covered with thick webs, the walls were broken, there was some furniture lying ruined, the floor was dirty, surrounded by broken walls, pieces and wood, it was like someone raided the house and it was kept in that way. There were many torned paintings of ladies and nobel men plastered on the walls. 
She flinched back her hand as soon as she touched it and rubbed her thumb against her fingertips. She held the torch towards her fingers. 
" Ahh!!", she cried , the torch almost slipped off his hand. 

" What!! What is it??" 

"'s blood!!!", she cried trying to keep her voice low. 

" what! Let me see", Daniel said and took the torch and looked at her fingers. 

" What? There is nothing on your fingers"  
Sami's eyes widened as she saw there was no blood on her fingers. 

" What… can it be..", she said, still looking at her fingers with widened eyes. 

" Let's not waste time on these stupid things. Get this thing done Asap, we can't stay in this house forever" , Dave said breathing impatiently.

" Let's go upstairs, there will be rooms where we can try this." , Daniel said and took his torch and headed forwards with Dave following him. 

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