Jennie snorted but nudged Lisa's elbow. "Wanna have a look around? You know Wangs M.O. How would he handle a home invasion?"

Lisa's eyes lit up. Not because she was eager to stage a home invasion and kidnapping. She would never. But this was exactly what she liked about working with Jennie. Jennie trusted Lisa's instincts and she let her explore them, seeing where it carried them. They always made so much more progress when they bounced ideas and theories off each other, working together and figuring shit out.

"So theoretically" Lisa started, looking up and down the street they were on. "He'd have a driver, a strong man and a lookout. Jackson wouldn't trust anyone else to grab the girl, so he'd do that himself."

"So Wang's the strong man in this scenario" Jisoo nodded along. "that leaves the driver right outside there." She pointed to the sidewalk a little off the house entrance. "Now, where was the lookout?"

Lisa and Jennie looked around the street. "The sight lines are clear from there and there" Jennie pointed to both ends of the street. Not many places to hide.

"You get more cover in the park over there." Jisoo suggested.

Lisa bit the inside of her cheek while she was considering this. "Yeah, but, it's too far from the action... what about the alley? It gives you eyes on both sides of the street and the intersection without being spotted so easily."

Jennie nodded convinced. "Let's go there."

They checked out the small alley between houses that had a narrow staircase leading one floor down. It was dark in here. A perfect hideout with as much view of the street as one would need.

"Yep, somebody's definitely been here." Lisa grinned as she spotted the signs. The fallen leaves from the tree nearby were rustled from left to right as if somebody had walked in between them, checking out both sides of the street but only on the few top steps. Not going down further. 

Jisoo nudged her way past Lisa down the first couple of steps and picking something up with a tissue from her pocket. "It's a coat check stub." She told the other two women as she came back up. "Some night club or something, I guess..?"

"Let me see" Lisa bent over Jisoo's shoulder to get a look. "Oh that's an underground casino Jackson used to hang out at."

"So it's really him?" Jennie concluded grimly with a look at Lisa.

"I guess so. Agent Lee told me that they caught him on the security tapes of the french restaurant I pointed them to." Lisa confirmed, equally grim, her mouth in a thin line.

"I still think there's something good old Nancy isn't telling us." Jisoo gave the coat check stub over to Jennie including the tissue she had it in to check for prints later.

"Like, how did she know so early on it was him? And requesting Lisa all of a sudden? It's odd..."

The other two nodded. It really was odd. Something didn't quite add up but neither agent, nor Lisa was sure about what it could be right now.

Then there was movement by the front door of the Park's residence and the three women turned towards it. "Fuck, we're caught." Jisoo mumbled. 

Jennie said nothing to that but subconsciously stepped a half step in front of Lisa as Nancy made their way over to them with a very disgruntled look on her face, having spotted them right away of course. 

"What the hell are you doing at my crime scene ladies?"

"Hey Nance! We really like the coffee shop around the corner and ran into Lisa." Jennie shrugged and held up her to-go cup demonstratively before taking a lavish sip. This brew was still undrinkable and Jennie tried hard not to pull a face again.

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