I handed her drink to her and she took a sip, the bliss on her face as she swallowed the whiskey was adorable.
"Riv.." Ryan whispered in my ear. "You're staring again."
"No I'm not?" I protested and poured myself some whiskey.

"Here's to a good night guys!" Wyatt held his glass out and we all clinked our glasses together before taking a sip. "I'm gonna go start the fire out the back." He walked off.
"I'm gonna give him a hand." Ryan added winking at me knowing he's leaving us alone on purpose.

"Thanks for being there for me tonight." (Y/n) spoke softly.
"That's okay, we said we got you." I smiled to her. "I hope it wasn't too much."
"Honestly, if it weren't for you being there I feel like I would've struggled." She looked down to her drink and swirled it, her face going red.
"I'm happy to help." I took another sip of my drink.
"Should we go hang out with them?" She asked.
"Yeah I guess so." I chuckled.

We made our way to the back door and I held it open for her.
"Two gentleman? In one house? So chivalry isn't dead then." She laughed to herself.
"It's the decent thing to do." I laughed back.

(y/n) POV

We walked over to the fire where Ryan and Wyatt were and stood beside eachother.
"Whose ready for hot rocks?!" Wyatt exclaimed
"Let's goooo!" Ryan cheered and picked a rock out of the fire pit.

He bounced it from hand to hand and tossed it to Wyatt. He did the same making small ow noises with every pass to the other hand. Next thing I know he's tossing it to River and while he's catching it he's passing me his drink.

I watch in awe as the boys pass the stone back and forth before putting it back in the fire. At this point I'd forgotten I had two drinks and realised I accidentally sipped from Rivers glass.
"Um riv.. I accidentally had a sip of your drink." I said apologetically.
"Oh that's okay don't worry about it." He replied taking his glass back and having a sip anyway.
"Pretty lady moment again?" Ryan laughed.
"Shut up idiot." River laughed his face turning red again. He gulped down the rest of the drink.

"Do you need another?" He asks.
I look down to my nearly empty glass and down the rest. "Yes please."
I watched as he turned away to walk inside to get us more.
"I'm going to need one too." Wyatt added following him inside.

"You're such a turd to your brother." I laughed to Ryan.
"Yeah well that's what brothers do, he's the same to me. That and I haven't seen him this way in a while." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Nervous around a girl, he's a confident guy but once a girl gets his attention he's an anxious goof." He chucked.
"Are you saying he's interested in me?" I ask again.
"I'm not saying he's not, but as his brother im pretty sure he is." Ryan poked my arm in a teasing way.
"I guess he did say I was pretty." I laughed.

I heard the door open as he and Wyatt walked back out to us, drinks in hand. As he approaches me he reaches out to hand my my glass and we continue mingling.

A couple drinks later I've realised I need to get home somehow.
"Shit." I mumble.
"What's wrong?" River asks.
"I gotta get home, I'm going to need an Uber."
I lifted my drink to show the problem.
"You could always stay the night?" He offers.
"I don't have any other clothes with me?" I question.
"You can borrow my top and some track pants if you want?" He continues. "And take my bed,
I'll crash on the couch."
"You're absolutely sure?" I questioned.
"Yeah it'll be fine, you guys won't mind right?" He looks up to Wyatt and Ryan.
"What?" Wyatt asked.
"You guys won't care if (y/n) stays the night? I'll take the couch and she can have my bed." He offers.
"Yeah dude go for it!" Ryan adds clearly tipsy. "No funny business."
"Would you cut it out Ryan?" River snaps.
"What did I do?" He asks clueless.
"Quit making suggestions!" River scoffs.
"I'm not saying anything, but you're the one nervous around her!" He shrugs.
"I'm not nervous!" River snaps back.
"You so are!" He adds!
"Ry leave him alone, you're making them uncomfortable." Wyatt adds.

"I might just go home." I add.
"Look what you've done Ryan!" River responds.
"I'm sorry, I'll stop. You don't have to leave." He says.
"I might just try to get some sleep then." I nodded.
"Let me show you where you're sleeping." River adds trying to get away from the conversation from his brother.

I could hear Wyatt talking softly to Ryan as we walked away from them.
"I didn't mean to upset them." He responds to Wyatt.

River opens the door for me and leads me to his bedroom. Everything was either black or grey and he has small plants dotted throughout the room.
"It's so nice in here!" I compliment as I look over his room.
"Thanks. It's my one spot to get away from the guys so I like to make it relaxing." He says while walking to his wardrobe. "Here chuck these on."

He throws a pair of track pants and a long black tee on the bed for me.
"I'm just going to grab a pillow and I'll be out of your hair." He softly smiles.
"Thank you River." I smile back grabbing his clothes from the bed.

He smiles once more as he leaves the room with his pillow, closing the door behind him. I change into his clothes before climbing into his bed. His blankets were so soft and velvety, everything smelled like him. It was lovely and somehow calming.

I lay back in his bed and pull the blankets up to my face, enveloping myself in the warmth of the soft blankets and feel myself falling asleep.

Twin Paranormal: River x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now