Chapter 21: "Reverse V Begins"

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Mu Huilu opened her eyes and saw a pure white color. She shivered unconsciously due to the physical coldness and wrapped her clothes tightly around her body. She lowered her head and looked at the position of the IV drip.

Just after finishing one bottle, the infusion robot was mechanically replacing it with a smaller one.

Mu Huilu's reaction was slow due to a prolonged low fever. Her gaze was dull and she stared at the infusion robot for a long time, watching its every move.

She kept staring until Chu Peici came back.

The infusion room was equipped with air conditioning, and the temperature was set very low at night. Many patients came and adjusted the temperature in front of the air conditioner, but they still felt uncomfortable.

Mu Huilu was already running a fever, and the cold temperature was not good for her. Chu Peici tried to figure out a solution for a while, and finally took off his own coat and covered Mu Huilu with it.

Later, Chu Peici wandered around in front of the air conditioner for a long time, but couldn't find a way to adjust the temperature. He felt too cold and went out for a walk.

As soon as he left the infusion room, the hot air from the corridor rushed in continuously.

After the coldness passed, Chu Peici came back.

When he came back, he saw Mu Huilu staring at the infusion robot without blinking. He called her twice, but got no response. Chu Peici leaned over and waved his hand in front of Mu Huilu's face. He was relieved when he saw her reaction following his movements. "Have you felt uncomfortable anywhere?" Chu Peici placed his hand on Mu Huilu's forehead and said softly, "If you still feel uncomfortable, I'll call a doctor to come over and help you."

"No need."

As soon as Mu Huilu opened her mouth, she felt dizzy and couldn't exert any strength.

After hearing Mu Huilu's answer, Chu Peici made a soft sound of agreement and quickly said, "We still have to come back tomorrow for a day of infusion. When your allergy symptoms subside, we'll go back to the capital star."

"Not yet. . ."

Mu Huilu was like a sluggish machine, her brain rusted and creaking, even answering Chu Peici's words required her to think for a moment in her mind.

As soon as she spoke two words, her words were interrupted.

"There is no option that doesn't work for this matter, we must go back." Chu Peici, who had never shown a strong side in these days, directly blocked the person's words.

"You told me before that your pheromone allergy only reacts to the pheromones released during the omega estrus period. I added Chen Xi's contact information earlier and reported your situation back. She asked us to hurry back for a complete gland examination and pheromone matching test."

Chu Peici looked at the sick alpha, with a bewildered and sluggish appearance, feeling like he was talking to a soft cloud. "Clouds" raised their heads, looking cute but incomprehensible.

"I had someone communicate with the travel agency. I've already had Xiong Ping help us book tickets for the day after tomorrow. Once you finish your IV tomorrow, we'll go back."

Mu Huilu was wearing a thick coat and a jacket in front of her. Her small face looked delicate and pale, and she didn't seem to be in good spirits.

So much so that Alpha's voice sounded weak and feeble.

"It's up to you to decide."

Mu Huilu's eyes were sore, and even if she wanted to make a decision, she didn't dare say anything when she looked at Chu Peici's appearance.

Marriage Contract [Female Alpha, Male Omega] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now