Chapter 16

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Chu Peici, lying on one side of the bed, was initially uncooperative, pressing his hands tightly over his eyes, but Mu Huilu was persistent and eventually his hands were placed on the soft pillow.

Soon, his hands were pressed onto the soft pillow by someone.

Mu Huilu also saw clearly.

Chu Peici's eyes were red and watery, even if he didn't say a word, Mu Huilu wasn't stupid, she knew that Chu Peici was crying.

Chu Peici's crying made Mu Huilu lose her intelligence. She knelt on the bed, straddling him, looking at his face, and spoke in a low voice.

She tried hard to use the same technique she used to comfort Mu Miao years ago, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't think I did anything too excessive."

Mu Huilu scratched her head and couldn't figure out which words or actions had touched Chu Peici's fragile heart today.

For a moment, she even wanted to pause time, roll over and get out of bed, and call up her high school emotional relationship teacher to learn more about how to maintain a good relationship.

Although the person being pressed by Mu Huilu was crying, the dim light, the face that kept jumping around on her XP, the crimson eyes. . . Mu Huilu finds it hard to say that she doesn't want to take action, and it's hard to say that she's not tough.

But she really can't do it.

After all, if she has a severe allergy later, the two of them will cry together.

Mu Huilu carefully gets off Chu Peici's body because she really doesn't know what to do. She pulls the blanket covering Chu Peici's body with her fingers and gently pulls it twice, then lies down next to him like a puppy.

Mu Huilu lowers her voice and says, "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Just tell me if you have anything to say. Can't I still bully you?"

Chu Peici, whose neck was hurting badly, thought to himself, "Isn't it you who's bullying me?"

If it weren't for your pheromone allergy, how could I suffer like this?

Chu Peici believed that the suppressor rubbed against his neck, and the suppressant in the container continuously entered his gonads through the rubbed area. There was nothing more painful in the world than this.

If there was, it would be having two suppressors on one gonad, double the pain.

"My gonads hurt." Chu Peici originally wanted to tell Mu Huilu in a cool manner, but as soon as he said the first word, tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes. She wished she could directly remove the suppressor that was imprisoning his sex gland.

Before he could act, Mu Huilu was already kneeling on the bed, leaning over to him, grabbing his shoulders and tilting her head slightly.

The pheromone suppressor was very small, and the advertisement always claimed that it had minimal contact and good inhibitory effects. But when Mu Huilu took a closer look, she saw that a large lump had already formed on Chu Peici's neck. Compared to her allergies, it was equally severe.

"Let me help you take it off."

Mu Huilu almost didn't think about it and reached out to remove the suppressor from Chu Peici's neck. But before she could do anything, Chu Peici had already dodged away from her.

"If you take it off now, and I can't control the release of my pheromones later, won't you have an allergic reaction again?"

Chu Peici supported himself with both hands on the bed, trying to escape from Mu Huilu's control. But he quickly realized that it was impossible, with her sitting on his lower abdomen. Their movements were intimate and awkward, and any slight turn could accidentally touch each other.

Marriage Contract [Female Alpha, Male Omega] (ChatGPT Translated)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin