Chapter 6

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The night before the wedding, there was a traditional party for single people organized by the Federation. Mu Huilu was teased into going to RTBOT, a mixed ABO bar. However, due to its membership system and the fact that the bar owner had a strong background in the Federation, there were not many people causing trouble there.

Mu Huilu sat in a private room, and almost everyone around her was drunk, with a mix of red and white wine.

Mu Huilu looked at the drunken people on the floor, holding her apple and carrot juice, sitting on the sofa, feeling out of place.

Fu Yucui did not come today because her omega had just finished a cruise mission on a warship. Even if she did not like it, Fu Yucui had to attend the party.

"This is the obligation we should fulfill for our family after enjoying our rights."

Mu Huilu never interfered with her friends' decisions, nor did she forcefully impose her values on everyone around her.

People are different.

Without Fu Yucui, half of the fun of this party was gone. Mu Huilu was about to take out her phone from her pocket to ask the bar staff to provide a ride service for these people when someone grabbed her arm. It was an unknown omega.

She didn't know who brought him in.

Mu Huilu, who had not drunk any alcohol, looked at the omega who had climbed onto her arm with a look of speechlessness. She quickly pulled his hand down and said seriously, "I don't like omegas. Please stay away from me." 

Weiya did not make Omega in front of her retreat even a little bit. The refined cheeks that were stained with alcohol might be irresistible beauty for others.

But for Mu Huilu, the Omega pheromones that began to diffuse in the air, and O's critical estrus appearance, made her stomach churn, as if she wanted to vomit everything she had eaten yesterday.

The Omega pheromones during O's estrus period are like honey to A.

For A, like Mu Huilu, who is allergic to most Omega pheromones, there are fewer dislikes than bears who dislike honey.

Omega completely ignored Mu Huilu's pheromone suppression.

Not only did it have no effect, but it was like a strong medicine, catalyzing the pre-symptoms of Omega's estrus becoming more and more severe.

The drunken Alpha lying on the ground was affected one after another. Mu Huilu saw an Alpha who she didn't know very well, probably came to the party, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were red, and his pupils shrank.

Seeing that the person was about to enter the state of seduction and madness, Mu Huilu did not hesitate, and directly lifted the ice bucket filled with ice on the table and poured it towards the Alpha who was about to get up. The ice slipped into the person's clothes, making him shiver.

When the Alpha was briefly sober because of the ice, Mu Huilu reached out and lifted the Omega with one hand.

Two small red dots quickly appeared on the fair skin of the hand, and itching and tingling appeared on the body. Mu Huilu lifted the person out of the room with one hand, and because she was worried about causing more trouble, she directly found the emergency treatment cabinet on every floor, found the suppressant, and forcibly gave the Omega an injection. The concentration of omega pheromones in the air was so high that Mu Huilu was almost suffocating. It was as if the output of a machine had been stuck, and the output was decreasing. The ventilation duct in the corridor slowly dissipated the strong pheromones.

Mu Huilu frowned and let go of the person she was holding. She stood up against the wall, looking particularly disgusted. She shook her hand, which was already slightly red, and clicked her tongue. She looked at the omega lying on the ground, feeling that his head was bigger than two heads.

She shouldn't have come to this party today. She almost got insulted by O.

"Bang bang bang" - the sound of footsteps. Mu Huilu looked up and saw the security personnel who maintained stability in the bar.

Mu Huilu handed the omega who had already passed out to them, blinked her tired eyes, and went to the bathroom, trying to use the cold tap water to drive away the burning pain on her arm.

At the moment she entered the bathroom, how did she drag the omega out of the private room, forcibly inject him with suppressants, and hand him over to the security personnel. . .

All of this fell into the eyes of Chu Peici.

Standing next to Chu Peici was his former military school roommate, Liang Huandong.

Today, Liang Huandong had just finished testing the new weapons of the legion and rushed back from the outer galaxy to the capital star to celebrate Chu Peici's bachelor party. He was also here to attend Chu Peici's wedding tomorrow.

"Your fiancée. . . ?" Liang Huandong raised his eyebrows lightly, and the teasing in his eyes couldn't be concealed. "It's really as the outside world says, huh. "

Not for power and sex.

Liang Huandong just took a glance at the horny omega from afar. Whether it was his facial features or his figure, they were all good. Unfortunately, he encountered a woman A who didn't understand the mood. The goal he wanted to achieve was not successful.

Liang Huandong made a slight regretful sound.

"If it were another alpha today, maybe he would have succeeded."

After hearing his friend's cool words, Chu Peici glanced at Liang Huandong and the obvious look of amusement on his face left Chu Peici speechless.

But the next second, he imitated Mu Huilu's movement of entering the restroom just now, and touched his own forearm. The fleeting thought disappeared completely from his mind.

He didn't catch it.

"Let's go back." Chu Peici put his hands on both sides of his body, left his private room, and prepared to go straight home.

 He didn't plan to say anything about what happened just now.

He trusted Mu Huilu and believed that the other party would not do anything out of line. If Mu Huilu could, then Mu Huilu's reputation in the circle would definitely not be like it is now. Inside the circle, using power and wealth to cover up embarrassing things is not possible.

Mu Huilu relieved her allergy symptoms on her hands with cold water in the restroom. She lifted her hand and poured a handful of cold water on her face, feeling more awake. She wiped the water off her face with a few tissues.

Mu Huilu looked up at herself in the mirror. Due to the influence of pheromones, her cheeks were already red, and the allergy symptoms had begun to spread from her arms to her neck.


Mu Huilu bit her lip and raised her head to turn her neck left and right in the mirror. She touched those areas with her fingers, which were already swollen. Based on her past experience, it would be difficult to eliminate them overnight.

Mu Huilu's good mood tonight was ruined because of this incident.

Just as she left the restroom, she ran into the manager in charge of RTBOT.

The manager quickly apologized to Mu Huilu. No matter who brought this matter to their bar, with Mu Huilu's identity and status, she could not be asked to apologize.

"It's okay." Mu Huilu forgot who brought the O, but today she didn't have the energy to argue anymore. She asked the manager to arrange the other people in the private room and left first.

Mu Huilu had just left the bar when the wind blew over the allergic area on her body, causing a burning sensation, but it was only for a moment.

Mu Huilu did not drink alcohol, but her mental state was not very good. She was worried that something might happen in the middle, so she called a car in the end.

As soon as she got in the car, Mu Huilu called her housekeeper and asked him to quickly find a family doctor to wait for her at home.

Note: Revised

Marriage Contract [Female Alpha, Male Omega] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now