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Despite being the most loved and worshipped Goddess, Diwa, radiant and resplendent in her divine beauty, carried a hidden burden within her celestial heart.

Beneath the adoration of her devoted followers, an emptiness plagues her soul. As if a piece of her soul had been snatched away, leaving behind a void in her heart that even her vast powers could not fill.

Olivia, harboring a heart filled with jealousy, couldn't help but feel envious of Diwa's beauty, grace, and the adoration she received from both mortals and fellow deities.

Olivia's jealousy grew deeper when she discovered that Diwa's lover, showed a preference for her rival. Consumed by envy and a desire to take away everything that brought Diwa joy, Olivia concocted a plan to steal Diwata's lover for herself.

Using her cunning and dark magic, she seduced Diwa's lover, planting seeds of doubt and discontent within his heart. The once unwavering bond between Diwa and her lover began to fracture, as his affections gradually shifted towards Olivia.

The revelation of her mortal lover, Camilo Madrigal, and her "Best friend" betrayal pierced Diwa's heart like a thousand arrows, shattering her once pure perception of love. For in the depths of her despair, she had witnessed her first love, entwined in the arms of another deity.

The bittersweet taste of her first heartbreak seeped into her being. Anguish transformed into a fit of smoldering anger, setting the stage for a rivalry that would rock the foundations of Marahuyo.

The weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air, each word laced with venomous intent.

Diwa, now stripped of her lover's love and betrayed by someone she once considered a friend, fought valiantly but found herself overwhelmed by Olivia's relentless onslaught.

The clash of their opposing wills reverberated through the air, a storm brewing within their hearts. Diwa, fueled by her love for the land she once believed in, stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her. She would become the hero Marahuyo needed, not for adoration or accolades, but to reclaim the enchantment that had been lost and heal the wounds inflicted by the war between goddesses.

Thus, started the Great War.

Thus, started the Great War

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