Chapter 1 It Came from Outer Space

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3rd POV

The drawling voice of the teacher and the scraping of chalk against the blackboard filled the quiet classroom. Non of the students were listening tough, all their eyes were glued to the clock on the wall, ticking away quietly. It  was the last day of school before summer vacation and nobody pays attention during class then. Out of all the students, one wasn't staring at the clock. He had his head on his desk, a bit of drool dribbling from his mouth. 

As the teacher was droning on, he was cut off by the ringing of the bell. There was the collective scraping of chairs and all the students were gone in a matter of seconds. The halls were flooded with a sea of students all pushing and shoving, trying to get to the front doors first. 

The boy who was sleeping jolted awake, wiping the drool away, "What time is it...?" he muttered groggily.

He looked up at the clock and his eyes lit up, "Summer vacation time...!" he breathed, a smile spreading across his face.

He got out of his seat and ran out into the now empty hallway. He burst through the front doors and took a deep breath, "The smell of freedom... with a hint of summer homework... but freedom non the less."

He was walking down the steps when an old rusted RV rolled into the school parking lot. The window rolled down revealing an old man in a red Hawaiian shirt.

 The window rolled down revealing an old man in a red Hawaiian shirt

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"Come on, Y/n! Let's go, we're burning daylight!"

"Grandpa Max? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked.

"Didn't your mother tell you? You're going camping with me."


"It'll be great! out on the open rode all summer long."

Y/n gave the most reasonable response to this information: Fall to his knees and scream to the wind "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

"And you're cousins are coming with us."

"Again, NOOOOOOO!!!!!"


"What are you doing here?!" What is she doing here?!"

"Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea. Somebody convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good learning experience."

"Great, just great. This is exactly how I wanted to spend my summer vacation, with my two bratty cousins."


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