Six: Don't Forget Us

Start from the beginning

Jimin and Yoongi are all they have right now to keep those kids save, and he knows they will do anything to make sure of that.

They just have to trust them that they can save them along the way too.

Taehyung painfully looks at him and hiccups under his breath, "O-Okay."

The double door of the hall suddenly opens, and in steps Boss once again. He's not alone this time, now with Jung Hoseok by his side as well. 

The sight of him alone snarled Jungkook's teeth. 

He used to have a good connection with Director Jung, up until Jungkook discovered what he has been doing behind his back while also trying to convince him to bring Taehyung to their side to do the same thing. 

They had a good friendship, partnership, and he ruined it because of his greed.

"Well, I have some good news," Boss beams, clasping his hands together, "If all is smooth, there won't be any deaths that'll happen today. So, diving right into it, here's the deal."

Hoseok steps forward now, looking between the two, "Taehyung and his son return to Orchids, Jungkook and his son return to Oasis -"


"And in the process, the four of you can remain together as a family," Hoseok continues despite Jungkook's spat, "For the greater good of the world, we cannot have Yeosang out in public due to his aptitude. He's too dangerous and a risk. We can figure out a way for him to control it, or even cure him."

Jungkook glares profusely at him, "Lies, you're only going to use him as a weapon for the military to win wars, maybe even use his blood for them," And he shifts his focus to Boss, "Either you let us go willingly, or watch us burn down both Orchids and Oasis right to the ground from where it was built."

Taehyung remained silent, unsure how to feel now because of Boss's twinkling stare.

There's more.

There's more they're planning.

Boss and Hoseok exchange glances, not at all fazed by his threat, and Boss looks at him, "You two really are trying to make our lives difficult here, aren't you?" And he nods to Hoseok, "You leave us no choice then, we tried the civil matter."

More footsteps echoed walking into the hall, unease to what he could possibly mean by that. 

And Taehyung's heart instantly dropped to who he saw stepping towards them. Jungkook couldn't see anything, but once he was able to drift his head to the other side, his blood ran cold.


That's.... Not possible....

Right there before their eyes stood.... Their wives....

Wheein and Lisa.

The two men weren't able to find the words to say anything, just as Boss traces around while standing in the middle of them - hiding Wonwoo who stepped into the room, resting within the shadows to get ready.

"We love a family reunion, don't we?" Boss beams and he ventures to them, "A face of the past sure hits the spot, doesn't it?"

Jungkook's eyes wouldn't leave Lisa. Everything about her is just like the last time he saw her - long waves of raven her with bangs brushing her forehead. That ruby red lipstick she'd always wear, and just the style of her clothes alone just screamed her - Lisa.

The woman who introduced love to him.

Meanwhile Taehyung couldn't prevent the tears from gliding down his cheeks, seeing the woman who changed his life when he was young. The only person who ever made him feel normal in this society, all of them, who was also murdered.

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