I start getting a burst of adrenaline as the night continues, the spirit talker app consistently talking to us, devices going off and hearing movement around us the whole time.

Ryan decides we should start making our way back towards the tent and both the music box and the REM pod infront of the tent start chiming again.

"If you let go of that we will come over there!" River calls out. The REM pod immediately stops making noise, River and I look at eachother shocked so we all make our way back over.

"You got us over here now what do you want?" Ryan asks. "We're waiting"
'I can control you'
I felt myself freak out a little which catches Rivers attention so he rubs my upper arm as if to calm me. I look up to him. "You're okay" he smiles.

I find myself getting lost in his sweet smile but snap out of it as we all hear something pass by us.
'Go left'
Ryan gets excited and we start to walk the path to the left.
"Wait this is the way out!?" Ryan pauses.
Almost instantly the device speaks again 'Find a way out'
"I told you! This is the way out!" Ryan yells!

It gets quiet as we all continue talking.
'I am a DEMON'
I get scared and my first reaction is to grab whatever is next to me, which happens to be Rivers hand. I turn to pull away from him and begin to apologise.
"Don't worry, I've got you" he says readjusting my hand in his to give a reassuring squeeze, I squeeze back in response.

We continue to investigate around the tent so Ryan pulls out his EVP recorder. The boys all start asking questions and we play it back to try hear any responses. We hear Rivers name and some more muffled noises.

We ask a second round of questions and play them back. I hear something between the questions and feel a cold chill through my body when I hear something that sounds like my name.
"Can you play that again Ryan?" I ask
"Sure." He replays the recording louder and slower.

I squat down and place my head in my hands. "No no no, absolutely not" I mumble to myself.
Ryan squats down next to me placing a hand on my back and plays it one more time. My whole body chills and covers in goosebumps when I hear my name again.

I shoot up and begin to walk off in fear.
"Wait! (Y/N)!" I hear River yell out to me. I can hear him walking towards me so I stop. Tears coming from my eyes I look up to him. He pulls me into his chest hugging me to comfort me.
"You're okay! That was really cool, but you can't walk off by yourself." He mumbled into my hair.
"I know I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do" I pulled away wiping my eyes. "Thank you" I tried to smile to him.
"It's okay. I won't let anything hurt you." He grabs my hand and leads us back to Wyatt and Ryan.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asks.
"I'm good, I'm alright." I nod
"We're just going to sit in the tent now and then we will go, not long now." Ryan says.

We make our way back to the tent and climb inside. I sit between Wyatt and River with Ryan infront of me. He places his phone in the middle of us and begins asking questions.

'He comes out once a year'
"Wait it before it said once a year and now it's saying HE comes out once a year?!" River reminds us.
'I will kill you'
Hearing that scared me so much so I scooted closer to River, as he notices he places his free hand on my knee.

Outside of the tent we hear movement again making me freeze up.
"You don't have to tell me twice, I'm ready to go" River chuckles.
"Maybe we should go, this is getting weird" I respond.
"Yeah okay." Ryan agrees.

He starts turning off the devices and we all climb out of the tent. I wait by Wyatt while the twins unassemble their tent.
"What do you think of your first ghost hunt?" He asks me.
"That was something else, I feel bad though because I feel like I was using River as a meat shield" I laughed. River heard me because he chuckled and looked towards me.
"That's okay I don't mind being a meat shield for a pretty lady." He winked which made me blush.
"Okay Riv, someone's feeling better than when we got here." Ryan laughed.
"Nerves from new people have worn off." River shrugged.

Once the tent was packed up we made our way out of the maze picking up any cameras and devices that were set up along the way.

Getting back to the car seemed so much quicker than when we came into the maze. Wyatt opened the trunk for the boys to put everything back in and offered me a bottle of water.
"Thanks." I reached out to grab it but so did River causing our hands to touch again.
"Oh my bad I thought that was for me." He said pulling away looking like he was turning red.
"It's okay you can have it, I'll grab another." I smiled.
"That was the last one.." Wyatt added scratching his head.
"Okay (y/n) you have it then." River insisted.
"We can share it? Ill make sure my lips don't touch the bottle." I laughed.
"I'm sure he'd be okay with that.." Ryan added.
River and I looked at Ryan with a confused face. "Pretty lady?" he continued. River went red hot again and walked off to get into the car.
"He gets weird around girls he thinks are pretty." Ryan whispered and winked.
"I can hear you, asshole!" River calls from inside the car.
"Trunks open idiot." Wyatt laughs pointing at the car. Ryan just shrugged and got back into the car sitting next to River.

Before I got back into the car I remembered what Wyatt said earlier about telling them not to follow me home.
"You can't come with us, you need to stay here." I talked out to the darkness.
"That's the way!" Wyatt pat my arm and opened my car door again.
"Still a gentleman." I laughed which made him smile.

"Thank you guys for this opportunity, this was really fun." I said to the guys while buckling my seatbelt.
"No you were great, it would be cool for you to join us again." Ryan responded handing me his phone. "Put your number in and we can organise another investigation together."
"Really?!" I said excitedly.
"Yeah really?" River added looking at his brother.
"Really! I enjoyed having you here and I'm sure the guys did too." He nudged River.
"It was nice to have someone experience this with us first hand." Wyatt added.
"Okay sure." I grabbed Ryan's phone and added my number in. Once I handed it back I got a message on my phone.

Hey this is my number, let me know if you want to hang out again :)

I looked up to see Ryan smiling a goofy grin as another message came through.

This is Rivers number too ;) (insert number here)

I chuckled reading the message and gave Ryan an approving nod making him smile more. We begin driving back to my car where I met them, Wyatt and Ryan singing along to music and River focusing on the road. I definitely noticed everytime he looked at me in the rear view mirror and smiled each time so he knew I could see him.

A/N: okay so that was a long one, I hope you liked it :)

Twin Paranormal: River x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now