"Father-" Love stops with her hand on the doorknob. She turns to shoot him one last smile of encouragement and tells him, "-it's going to be OK. I promise. You've taken care of me for so long. Please, let me take care of you, just this one time?"

Thor feels all other feelings melt away to make room for the pure adoration he feels for this little girl; the girl he's proud to call his own flesh (even if she wasn't his to begin with.) Thor walks over to her and pulls her to him in a tight hug. He presses a kiss to the top of her head when she wraps her arms around his waist and buries her face against his stomach.

"You take care of me far more than you realise, my wonderful little monster." Thor mumbles into her soft locks. "If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would do."

Love pulls away to press her chin to his stomach and grins cheekily up at him as she counters with, "Wither and die?"

Thor chuckles and ruffles her hair. "I really am a terrible father for letting you watch such an awful show."

Love gasps and shoves him away from her. She glares up at him when he laughs and grins. "How dare you?! Buffy is AWESOME!"

"Go to school, cosmic brat." Thor opens the front door for her-because he's a gentleman-before shoving (in a gentlemanly) her outside.

"Cosmic Viking brat." Love scoffs out under her breath-which earns her a soft kick to the backside. She grits her teeth in annoyance as she mumbles to herself, "Damn his dad ears."

Thor smiles amusedly to himself as he walks out on the porch with her. He sees Brunnhilde marching back up to the house and not looking too happy.

"Did you fall down the toilet again?" Brunnhilde arches an annoyed brow at Love, who glares up at the Valkyrie and groans out, "That happened once...AND it was a giant dwarf's toilet."

Brunnhilde smirks slightly. "Still counts."

Thor thought he would have longer to figure out what he was going to say to her. But he finds Loki in the guestroom. Of course he knocks first and much to his surprise, she very calmly bids him to enter.

She's sitting on the end of the bed, her back facing him as she stares out of the window. He stays standing in the open doorway, just in case she doesn't want to actually talk to him (wouldn't be the first time.)

Again, she surprises him by speaking first. And although she doesn't turn to face him, her voice is still calm. But what rattles him is the words she says; the question she suddenly asks him; "Do you think the Sun ever really shone on us?"

Loki slowly turns her head to shoot him a sideways glance. She keeps her face blank as she asks him, "Or is it just another lie in my life?"

Thor is pretty sure he knows what she's really asking him here...but as Loki, herself, has told him, many times throughout his own life; he's not all that smart. He takes the leap anyway, because it's Loki and he would do literally anything for her.

Thor moves slowly over to take a seat beside her, their shoulders almost touching. (And now that he notices, she really does look so pretty in that green knitted sweater she's conjured up for herself-it makes her eyes look even brighter.) Thor takes one of her hands in his own, laces their fingers and presses a kiss to her knuckles. He looks her in the eyes as he tells her, "I have never lied to you, Loki. And I never will."

When Loki only shoots him a look of hesitation, Thor's heart no longer quivers, but flutters in peace as he finally decides to lean in. Her eyes widen for a split second, and for that split second, Thor's heart feels like it's about to drop right out of his backside in absolute mortification. That is, until he's almost touching her and he sees her eyes flutter shut. Thor smiles as he lets his own eyes fall shut for those couple of seconds he kisses her.

She doesn't pull away, and while Thor wishes he could just press her back against this bed and finally show her how he really feels about her, he forces himself to slowly pull back. He smiles at her eyes still closed and brings his other hand up to brush his fingertips over her lightly flushed cheeks. Her eyes spring open at the contact, and Thor almost chokes on fighting back a too-loud, sharp intake of breath at the sight of those thin rings of green wrapped around an ocean of black.

Thor gives her a dopey smile when she flushes harder as she realises he's staring at her. He playfully knocks his knee against her own as he lets his hand slip from her face. "Does that answer your question?"

Loki is surprised that he's not teasing her. In fact, he seems genuinely intrigued for her response. "I..." Loki glances down at their fingers still entwined. "I don't know..."

She scowls as Thor frowns. Loki looks him in the eyes, tries to glare, but only ends up looking as hurt as she feels when the words actually come slowly pouring out of her-"I don't want any trouble, Thor. I'm not... I'm not who I used to be." She sighs. "You wanted me to hide-I could see it on your face. So, I hid. You..."

Loki bites down hard on her bottom lip just as she feels it about to wobble. She slowly slips her hand out of his and clasps it against her other in her lap and glares out of the window instead. "If you don't want people knowing I'm back-"

"No, that is not what is happening here, Loki." Thor shakes his head furiously when she glances back to him. He gently grabs both her hands in his, looks her in the eyes again as he says, "I promise."

Loki glances down at their hands again, while fighting back a content smile at the mere feeling of his warmth surrounding her. "Then..."

Loki tilts her head in the same way Love always does, and when Thor smiles in amazement and doesn't answer her, because he's too busy staring at her again, Loki scowls and gives a light slap to his chest to snap him out of it. And then, much to her annoyance, she has to fight back an amused smile when he jumps-but does, indeed, snap out of it-and pouts as he uses his now free hand to rub at the spot she slapped.

"How dare you strike your King." Thor mumbles through his sulk-he doesn't pout! He sulks and broods. That's it...

Loki can't help her scoffed out chuckle. "Didn't you abdicate the throne to Brunnhilde?" She arches a brow when he pouts even harder. Loki rolls her eyes, then, is back to glaring at him and finally just angrily asks him, "Why didn't you want Brunnhilde to know I was here???"

The Sun Is Shining On Us Again [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now