Get You

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"No resurrections, this time..."


Thanos shows the cruelest of smiles. " all you..."

Thor drops to the floor as the metal bindings around him finally disappear by Thanos' command. "L-Loki..." His heart feels like dead weight in his chest as he crawls over to her limp body.

" your fault..."

Thor ignores Thanos' words, but he cannot ignore the words that Loki suddenly screams venomously at him as her dead corpse lifts its head and those Jötunn red eyes shine angrily at him.


"NO." The word grits as angrily as it does miserably out of him as Thor suddenly bolts upright in his bed, wide awake. He takes a few moments to allow himself to wallow in his self-pity, while also slowly trying to calm himself down.

It doesn't work.

If anything...he thinks...yep. He's having a panic attack... Possibly a heart attack...

With all his might, the Thunder God really does try to calm himself. It still doesn't work, so, he buries his face into his pillow to keep the damn noise down before-



Thor clears his throat to breathe out his quick answer, "I'm OK, darling. Just another nightmare... G-go back to bed, OK?"

Not OK, apparently-Love gently pushes his bedroom door a little further open. "Why are breathing like that? What's wrong? Loki, help!"

"No!" Thor helplessly exclaims before hissing out, "Shit," when he hears her rushing out of the guestroom.

(Sometimes, he really does need to remember that Love is still a little kid, who hasn't experience much at all... He really should work on that, not just take her out for a good fight, he should definitely ask if she would like to see a movie in a real movie theatre... If he doesn't die of a heart attack first, that is...)

"What is it? What's-Thor?" Loki brushes gently passed the girl to get to his side. He's hunched over on his bed with his face pressing into his pillow and his breathing is all-Loki blinks her confusion away. "Are you having a panic attack?"

When he doesn't answer, only grips the pillow and breathes even heavier, Loki shoves him gently onto his side and sits herself beside him. "Thor, look at me."

Thor can barely hear her. It's the soft brush of her hand on his cheek that gets him to look up at her and finally hear her.

"Is it just your chest that hurts?" Loki doesn't know how she's about to hold onto her own choked out sob when he suddenly starts rambling desperately to her, almost making himself hysterical...

"Everything hurts, all the time! I let him do it, Loki! I let Thanos kill you! I'm a weak piece of shit! When it finally sank in that I had failed you; when I finally realised that you weren't coming back, I was SO fucking angry! I couldn't concentrate on anything else, and for my stupidity, I got the entire universe to suffer along with me. And then, I barely waited for Steve and the others when they finally found Thanos! And when we did find him again, I took the vengeance all for myself, because I'm fucking selfish! I'm the damn spoiled brat you always said I was! I'm a fucking failure! I let mother be murdered! I let father go without a fight! I wasn't even there when my people were slaughtered by Hela! I was helpless to watch Heimdall perish, right after more of my people were slaughtered..."

And then, just when he takes a deep breath to finally calm himself, Loki feels her heart crack a little more as he stares at her through tear stained cheeks and red ringed blue eyes and he brokenly mumbles, "I even let the bad guys get to you..."

The Sun Is Shining On Us Again [Thor&FemLoki]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat