Am I Dead?

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Feeling her father's shocked expression on her back, Love smiles to herself as she slowly retreats to her bedroom.

Thor takes another deep breath to calm his nerves. His eyes trail slowly back to...Loki. He turns back around to face her, his gaze raking over her every detail. He smiles faintly, but fondly over the signature green and gold Asgardian attire Love chose for her. Her eyes are still closed, and Thor finds himself smiling a little wider at the peaceful look on her slumbering features, because peace is not a feeling that Loki ever knew in great abundance.

He still can't quite believe that this is happening.

Thor reaches out a hand to touch her, but pulls back at the last moment. His heart beats wildly. He lets out a huff and a breathy laugh, is both annoyed and amused with how pathetic he's being right now. He tells himself to stop being so stupid, and then, reaches out again. He simply brushes the back of his hand against her right cheek and feels himself melting on the insides-ironically, because he can instantly feel her Jötunn coolness sweeping across his warm Asgardian skin.

Thor pulls his hand back with a soft chuckle. "Is it really you in there?" He whispers to no one in particular, dares to let his hope grow a little more.

"Why don't you wake her up and find out?!" Love's excited wail echoes through their home.

Thor jumps a little. "You-" He glares in the direction of her bedroom. "Close your door!" He snips as he feels his cheeks flush.

Love giggles mischievously. "OK, know I'll still be able to hear you."

"Then, go to your made up room! And that does not mean you're allowed to go visiting any other dimensions while you're at it! I will know if you do!" Thor snaps; easily falls into her trap of being able to rile him so easily.

Love pokes her head out just to shoot him a cheeky grin. Though, she does as she's told and closes her bedroom door finally. Axl is such a spy and a tattle!

Thor waits for the tell-tale signs. He feels the air around him vibrating, and then, hears the crackling sounds before the deadly silence that follows. He sighs and takes a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Oh, I just know you're going to laugh when you see what I've gotten myself into this time."

"Well, the child is right; why don't you just wake me up? I could laughing about it with you right now..."

Thor laughs when he looks up to find two of her standing before him. Of course, there is the still idle creation of Love's. But now, he's sure he's lost his damn mind, because the other Loki looks exactly like the corpse that Thanos left behind...the only face of hers that still haunts his every nightmare.

Her face is a deathly blue and purple, not just the Jotun blue that she faded back to upon her very last breath. Her hair is long and stringy, her eyes a pale shade of the vibrant emeralds he once knew and loved.

Despite all of that, there's an amused smirk hanging from her pale blue and white lips, and Thor watches this apparition slowly circle and analyse this newly physical Loki. She finally pauses and looks back to him with her smirk widening as she asks him, "Was I always this shiny?"

Thor laughs, glances between both Loki's. "I think you just need a bathe."

OK...not like he hasn't talked to himself before.

Who knows? Maybe it will help. His brain is either helping him anyway, or just finally cracking into insanity. Either way, he wants to see how this will play out.

His first mistake is making her laugh. She tips her head back as she laughs, and Thor sucks in a sharp breath of horror when he sees the unmistakable bruises of Thanos' hand left across her neck. He quickly looks away, gulps down the aching lump in his throat...while wondering why the fuck his brain is so fucked up for emphasising shit like that.

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