"Come on, Loki. Stop being so boring. I'll keep you safe, like I always do. Father won't even notice we're gone."

"No. But mother will."

Loki can still see that infamous (cheesy) look of over confidence on his young face as he told her, "I know you're just afraid. But that's OK. I won't ever let any bad guys hurt you..."

Loki takes a deep breath and gently grabs onto his shoulders to make him sit up. When she's leaned him back against the headboard, she moves to lean back against it, too, setting herself down beside him. "Feel better?" She asks, voice calm and quiet; no judgement.

Thor lets out a ragged breath, but nods as he says, "Yes... Thank you."

"Girl, come. He's OK." Loki's voice is softly encouraging as she holds out a hand to the bewildered and worried looking little thing. Loki shuffles over just enough to let the girl sit in between them before she gently explains, "He was having a panic attack. Nothing to worry about, unless you're mortal and have a heart condition. It's more of a mental state of mind. A self preservation tactic. You've heard of the flight or fight response, yes? Thor, please tell me you allow her, at least, a basic education?"

Thor scoffs quietly. "Of course I do."

"Yeah, I've heard of it." Love chuckles softly when Loki shoots her father a scolding look. "If it wasn't for Aunt Brunnhilde, father would just leave it to the TV and the Internet to teach me stuff."

Loki looks absolutely appalled to hear that. "The drunken Valkyrie is your teacher? Good grief."

Thor laughs at that, causing Love to smile happily as she amusedly tells her, "No. I go to school in New Asgard."

"Ah." Loki nods in understanding.

Love watches with a happy little smile of her own when her father looks at Loki, smiles and tells her, "Thank you, Loki." Love watches as Loki then rolls her eyes-like she did nothing at all, when all three of them know that's not true. Love slips off of the bed, and grins mischievously to herself when her father asks where she's going. She turns to him with a confused look. "Back to bed...?"

Thor narrows his eyes at her as he tells her, "I will know if you sneak another pop tart back to your room."

Loki bites back a smirk in front of the girl as Love stares blankly at her father before breaking out into an annoyed glare and storming off with a huff and a firm shut of his bedroom door.

Thor jumps as the walls of their home shake under the force. Though, he's quickly snapping out, "I told you not to slam the doors like you pay the bills around here!"

"We live in a pocket dimension! You don't HAVE bills! I use magic! So, technically, I pay my own bills!" Love shouts back before slamming her own door.

Loki snorts out a laugh finally as Thor shouts back, "Yes, well, I STILL built this house!" He catches Loki's smirk and crosses his arms over his chest and begins to sulk. "See what I have to deal with?" He grumbles.

Loki chuckles. "Is she really any worse than I was?" She asks with an arched brow and a knowing smirk.

"If I wasn't her father, yes, she definitely would be worse than you." Thor nods.

Loki chuckles again. Though, she can't help being curious as she asks, "Did you really think I meant all of those horrible things I used to say to you?"

Her mind flashes back to his panicked outburst as her heart breaks a little more. But it's her own damn fault. She always pushed him away.

When he doesn't answer, only hangs his head and looks so sad that her heart aches so bad, she almost has to clutch at her heavy chest with her hands. Instead, she turns to lean her side against the headboard and faces him as she tells him, "I was lost, Thor. None of what I said to you had anything to do with you. You are the only one who has never lied to me; never hidden anything from me."

The Sun Is Shining On Us Again [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now