"Of course. I don't have a death wish." Thor pulls out the boxes from the cupboard with a chuckle. "Loki, you hungry?" He grins when he catches her cute little jump, and then, the little glare she gives him for making her jump.

"No. Thank you." Loki slowly walks over to join them. She sits herself down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar as she continues to watch them. "I wouldn't mind a glass of water though." She says with a faint scowl as she tries to clear her scratchy and dry throat.

Though, she's smiling again as she watches the two work in sync-Love is pulling a clean glass from another cupboard and handing it over to Thor, just as he swirls around to turn the sink tap on.

Thor hands sets the glass of water down in front of her and smiles and nods when she smiles and thanks him. His eyes slowly widen as he watches her gulp down the entire contents in one breath.

Love grabs the empty glass and refills it before he can, so, instead, he's focusing on his concern for Loki. "Are you sure you're OK?" Before she can answer, he's panicking a little as he turns to ask Love, "Can't you check that she's OK, somehow?" He glares at them both when they chuckle at him. "What?" He hisses through another sulk.

"Magic this precise and powerful-well, let's just say, if something was wrong, we would certainly know about it while attempting it." Loki chuckles as she tells Love, "He's never trusted magic, nor us magic users. I always thought it was because he was just a little too dim to comprehend it."

Loki feels a little thrill run up her spine when he shoots her a heated look of annoyance. It's like he's challenging her to carry on, and also, it's like he doesn't know her, that, or he just constantly underestimates her.

She almost scoffs, but smirks teasingly instead as she tells his daughter, "But now, I just think it's because he's a little wuss..."

Oh, if spanking her was an option... Thor huffs-because strangling her will just have to do instead. Love's amused laugh brings him straight back out of his seedy thoughts.

Loki places her second glass of water down on the table before her. No longer parched, there's still half of the glass filled. Loki waits to catch the girl's attention, then, grins as she asks, "Want to see a trick?"

Thor smiles to himself as Love nods eagerly and hops up onto the stool opposite Loki. He pops the pizza pockets in the microwave before turning to watch the two of them again. Gods, is this what true happiness feels like? Do I finally deserve it?

Love watches closely, her curious eyes following as Loki stretches out a hand and presses one fingertip against the glass. Love's eyes widen with awe as the water slowly freezes over. "That's so cool!" She pouts slightly as she adds, "I wish I could manipulate the elements."

Loki chuckles as she pulls her hand away. "You can manipulate reality itself." She points out before smirking at Thor and telling him, "Powerful, and still, ungrateful-she is your daughter."

Love knows she should probably be offended by that. But with the way her father is pretending he's angry, when really, she's never seen him happier...well, nothing else really matters to her.

"I am beginning to see the error I have made by letting you two become friends." Thor grumbles as he retrieves the pizza pockets from the microwave after grabbing a clean plate from the dishrack. He holds onto a pleased smile at both their responses.

Both of them scoff-Loki sounding more offended, while Love sounds highly amused. "He says that like it has real authority meaning." Loki drawls out, clearly not impressed, while Love chuckles and looks at her father like he's just said the funniest thing, right before she says, "Right? It's like he thinks he has a choice."

The Sun Is Shining On Us Again [Thor&FemLoki]Where stories live. Discover now