epilogue (part 1)

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════ ❝ epilogue part one: perfect ❞ ════

clementine by grentperez

1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47



NOTHING WAS GOING TO RUIN this night. You were sure of it. And if anything tried to, you'd have to get unnecessarily violent.

"Kyoka!" You shouted from across the room, your brows knitted. "Where the fuck are the balloons!?"

The mentioned girl poked her head around the corner, a less-than-amused look on her face. "Would you calm down? I'm blowing them up right now."

"Ugh.. sorry," you murmured apologetically, taking a quick glance at the clipboard in your hands. "Everything just needs to be—"

"—Perfect?" One of your friends from high school, Kaminari, interrupted you. "You've said that same line like, twenty times now!"

"Well, it's true," you pointed out, a huff escaping your lips. "It has to be the—"

"—Perfect party for your perfect girlfriend," Jirou and Kaminari echoed in sync, a joint laugh being shared between them when they realized they had copied each other. Jirou turned to look at you. "Kaminari's right for once. You've said the same things all day."

With an embarrassed huff, you crossed your arms. "Well.. no you caught me there."

It had been three years since Class 3-A's time at U.A. had ended. Naturally, all your classmates had started their hero careers off with a resounding success. Your girlfriend was just getting off of her shift as the ninth highest ranking hero in Japan and, coincidentally, it was also her birthday.

And it needed to be perfect.

"Y/N!" Someone else yelled, causing you to turn around. Instead of a person though, you found a floating dress. "Hey, I got the cake!"

With a chuckle, you crossed the task off your checklist. "Thanks Toru."

"No problem!" The invisible girl exclaimed. You could feel her body lean toward you, her voice lowered into a curious whisper. "Hey, are you ready for the—?"

wish upon a star! ☆ reader x mina ashido Where stories live. Discover now