"I thought it was, until I saw your stupid reaction and it turned me off," she confessed.

"Well, it's not," he said. "Please, our children are sitting at the table," he claimed.

"As if it was the first time," she responded irritably and ended the conversation, walking back to the table.

"Are you fine?" Heléne insisted.

"Your dad is a loser," Frida let her know leaning in so it was secret but loud enough for everyone to hear. Benny sighed aggressively and held up his hands trying to pick up where they left off.

"So, as I told you before. If all goes well, early next year we'll have the premiere in London," he picked up the conversation completely ignoring the situation.

Frida made a disapproving gesture, rolled her eyes and made a grimace with her mouth.


On the way home, Benny was driving, Frida was still with her arms crossed, looking out the window that was fogging up from the cold outside and the heat from inside. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden brake that caused the inertia of her body to be interrupted and she leaned forward violently.

Frida stared at him. "I didn't see it," he excused himself, hinting that the traffic light was red.

She sighed and then positioned her body towards him, then brought her hand to his crotch again, knowing she was taking a risk. By that time, Benny had already advanced again as the traffic light turned green, giving him the right of way. "Back to that?" He grabbed her hand, trying not to take his eyes off her from the street.

"Won't you let me?" She asked somewhat anxiously.

"I'm driving, it's not convenient. At least let me get home," he replied in a not very friendly tone of voice.

"Is this your definition of innovative couple?" She frowned, returning to her original position and catching his rejection message.

"What are you saying?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at her for a few seconds but returning her gaze to the road. "Now it turns out that we are an innovative couple?"

"Aren't we?" She laughed sarcastically. "If what you want is to turn off the flame of passion with routine, then congratulations! We're one step away from that," she snapped, clearly annoyed.

"Are we?" He asked squeezing the wheel with his hand. "Or are you making it up to manipulate me?"

"End of conversation," she made clear, not daring to say everything she thought.

Arriving home, she leapt and aggressively went up to the bedroom, she didn't want to see him. Benny knew he was in trouble, he sighed and climbed in after her, closing the door behind him as soon as he entered the room. "What happens now? I don't think anything serious happened that we got to this situation," he complained.

"That's the problem, Benny," she pointed at him from across the bed and reiterated her earrings. "For you nothing is ever serious, nothing is ever wrong. I'm trying to save this marriage, to keep it afloat, but you won't cooperate."

"Keep it afloat from what?" He lifted his hands in despair. "Until recently we had the perfect marriage and we still do. I don't think you should be looking for trouble where there isn't any," he combed his fingers through his hair.

"You've fed me up," she pointed out and went straight to the bathroom, she thought that she was so angry she couldn't see things clear, but rather, she wasn't angry as such, she was just very scared.

Benny rolled his eyes and of course he went after her, he was getting angry. He aggressively opened the bathroom door and stopped at the entrance to look at her while she was removing her makeup. "Don't shut me down," he demanded.

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