Chapter 10: No Other Choice

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Loki called for everyone to a meeting with Aiss's room shut tight for her not to escape to discuss about Ais and a new problem that arises that they need to address.

Loki:" As I'm sure all of you are aware, Ais leveled up"

Raul:" Can I change Familia"

Loki:" No"

Raul:" (sniveling and crying)"

Loki:" There is a problem we can't ignore that came up, now before I tell you, you know how some skills and Development abilities... evolve based on certain conditions being meet"

Finn:"... oh god's and goddesses no, did avenger-"

Loki:" Here, I'll just show you all with the whiteboard"

(see next chapter)

Finn:"... this... this explains a lot, and now we have everything to worry about"

Riveria:" I think we need to level up"

Gareth:" Agreed, after that battle with Vennea, you are close to 4 of your Parameters being at S rank now, with the others either at or near A rank right Riveria"

Riviera:" Yeah, it was good for that massive jump"

Loki:" Your defense jumped up 2 whole ranks from all those hits, it was awesome"

Finn:" I can only imagine what it would be like to face Mero now"

Gareth:" She literally backhanded Ottar and won"

Finn:" nevermind, it's more likely we'll die than increase our status, I feel the only reason she spared Riveria is because she was her daughter and pupal before"

Raul:" Pupal"

Gareth:" Oh yeah, youngsters probably don't know, Riveria was actually only supposed to be in the Loki Familia till she reached level 5 as instructed by her master at the time, Vaneea, originally, when Riveria reached Level 5, she would transfer to the Hera Familia alongside her Vannea and the likes of Mero and Alfia, however, when they were kicked out, that plan went down the drain"

Raul:" Was that also why Riveria didn't attack them alongside the Loki Familia"

Riveria:" That was just one of the many reasons I didn't attack the Hera and Zeus Familia, but the main reason was that I didn't wish to betray my mentor and hero at the time"

Lefiya:" You saw mom as your hero at a time before"

Rivieria:" Yo- our mother had quite the reputation of heroism and bravery, wait how do you now see her as someone to look up to"

Lefiya:" I always looked up to Mom, but she was nothing like a hero, at least not the fighting monsters kind"

Finn:" I think this is the case of seeing something so often you think it's normal, for Lefiya, she saw her mother act the way she did for as long as she can remember, so it doesn't even register to her as bravery or heroism compared to how we see it"

Raul:" Isn't that also called privilege-"

both Lefiya and Riveria punched Raul in the gut, making him spit blood with 4 of his ribs broken, if there was one word they hated above all, it was "privilege", The word itself made both of them disgusted more than if they were forced to work in a manure farm where they had to mix animal feces to make fertilizer for plants.

Riveria:" Say that accursed word again and we will break more of your bones"

Lefiya:" And also see how far you bend before we hear a snap as well"

Anakitty:" (whispering) How could he say that after last time"

Luna:" (whispering) This is why I think before I say anything in front of any elf, even one's I'm on friendly terms with, those guys hold a grudge, Lefiya still hasn't forgiven me for 5 years ago"

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