“I think I can speak for both of us…”Giyuú began articulating. “that Aki is not made for the water breathing technique. I can't teach her! I believe she should be removed from the program.”

  Ubuyashiki set his cup of tea down, “Well, that's new. You never failed any quest I gave you, Giyuú. This one is a first” the water pillar  clenched his jaw after hearing that, noticing out of the corner of his eye that the teacup stopped halfway to Aki’s lips.

" Of course, I dont want to let you down master. If your fate in me is so strong, I will do my best to teach lady Akiko."

“I’m glad to hear that, I know your devotion is golden. To help better your relationship I have a task for the two of you.”

“What is the task, master?”Aki asks  a question regarding the situation that made even Giyúu raise a brow.

“I’m sending the two of you on a mission to the south. I’m hoping this will be a good bonding opportunity and you’ll be able to sort out your differences .” He sipped his tea, waiting for a verbal response.

“Of course. That makes sense, master.” Giyuú’s voice seemed tense even though he couldn’t see it. " I do understand how teamwork unity plays an important role in the success of our goal. "

“I would like the two of you to depart immediately. The village you’ll be traveling to seems to have a demon that is targeting the younger ones. I’d like you to take care of it quickly, "

He smiled sweetly, acting completely unaware of what he essentially just implied.

“Of course master, we will see you in a week.” Aki stood, bowing deeply as Giyuú followed suit.

“Farewell you two.” they both left in silence, not looking or speaking to one another until there was a safe distance.

“This is all your fucking fault! None of this would have happen if you were a good teacher! ” she glared at the man beside her, not backing down even as he looked down at her.

He rolled his eyes when he realized her attempt to act tough.

“Blame me all you want, not my fault you are weak. We are stuck in this together nonetheless.” he looked away, sulking now as he realized the destination they were heading to. It was a quiet village by the ocean. Small isolate  place but really crowded with people, an 'all-you-can-eat buffet' for a demon.

“I know a short cut, I use to go there when I was working at the flower shop” she put her childish anger aside, this was now a business matter and she  refused to let Ubuyashiki down. Especially after disappointing him once. " The faster we finish this mission the faster I get ride of you! "

“Okay.” the hashira answer simply leaving her a bit surprised over the fact that, this was all she got?Expected something more along the lines of " don’t tell me what to do, I am your boss." With that, they set off for what would be a very quiet journey.

“Your calculations, as expected, were wrong.” he blinked boringly," why doesn't that surprise me?"

She snap a glare at the man beside her. It was nine o’clock at night by the time they arrived at the village.

“Well maybe if you didn’t stop every five seconds to point out a flaw in me or the way I did my kimono- ”his jaw clench, looking away from her before changing the subject.

“We may as well get something to eat.” she sighed in agreement,  could only imagine the arguments that would ensue if  both had empty stomachs.

“There is a little inn closer to the water that has seafood.” she took the lead,  heard it from Shinobu that he loved salmon.

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