Bye for the summer! / Im done for now.. ✌🤺

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Sorry yall, but as of now this book is paused for the summer and will resume in August! Requests will also be open again by then!

During the summer this phone will maybe get connected to wifi maybe once or twice so that's why I'm just deciding to just wait until August when school starts again.

Cause school is the only time I get to really update things.

So yeah.

See ya, I'll be 15 when I come back! 👀

Wish you all a good summer, birthday (if like me, yours in during summer), and and a good day! Byeee!


-Ruizu ♡~


Yeah so I'm not feeling motivated to write this one shot book anymore.

1. I never know what to write

2. I honestly feel satisfied with how this book has done and so I wouldn't feel that bothered if I ended it...does that make sense?

3. I also don't really enjoy it anymore. It really isn't that enjoyable anymore..

Sorry, I might change my mind and come back later, but I just don't want to write for this book anymore rn

So, goodbye for now 😘

If you ever wanna talk whatever

Discord: Ruizu ♡#4362

Tik Tok: ruizu_01

I'll add insta and snap later or whatever, once I download them, but rn I'm lazy and wanna plan my next book.

Bye again pookies 🥺

(I'm looking at a rcta chat room and these dumb messages put their addresses 💀)

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