Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Gone Now, Here Tommorow <l8D (Write your own wizard smileys if ya want!Theyz cute!!!)

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long!! I had a test every day last week and had no time to write/upload, and then the whole field trip thing at school also took 2 hours away from my day and I was EXAUGHSTED when I got home.



"Is he!?" I said a little louder. He sat forward and started to twittle his thumbs.

"One can find the answer within, when they desire it most." He said that like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"That REALLY helps, THANK you." I said walking out the door.

"Quidditch is the answer my dear." he said it quickly so I could hear it.

I walked down the hallway and back to the gryffindor common-room.

Maybe, what Dumbeldore said really DID help, in some way I didn't know yet? I decided to think more of it in the morning, and with that I walked up to the girls dormitory and fell asleep.


The next morning, I walked down for my first lesson with Madam Hooch, who taught Quidditch. I walked down to the row of Gryffindors, all nervous.

There was about 100 broomsticks neatly in a row. I stood and waited for us to start.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry, Hermione, and Ron walking down the trail. They rushed down and stood beside me. I silently waved at Harry and he waved back. But what freaked me out, was that we looked so similar.

We both had dark black hair, and piercing green eyes. We both stood straight and looked forward. Kinda creepy really.

"Well? Everyone, what are you waiting for?! Stand next to a stick!" I could tell these were used for a while, with the twigs sticking out at odd angles and the stick itself scraped and dug into in places.

"Stick your right hand over your broom and when I blow the whistle, say, 'UP'." She said it making us all understand that if we messed around we COULD get in trouble.

I stuck my right hand over my broom and waited. Immediately Madam Hooch blew the whistle. In a hurricane of voices everyone said,

"UP!" At once mine came up and hit my hand, I caught it easily and saw Harry did too. I looked over to see Hermione practically screaming at her broom. Just then Ron yelled,

"UP!!!!!" The broomstick came up and hit him in the face. Harry, Hermione and I started laughing loudly.

"Oh, shutup!" He said exasperatedly. Then she taught us how to mount it and so on.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, your going to kick off the ground hard, rise a few feet and come back down." Everyone nodded and listened sharply.

"One.---- Two.---- Three." As soon as she touched the whistle to her lips, Neville pushed off and rose up slowly.

"Get back here boy!" She yelled up at him. Everyone could tell he was scared and couldn't even try. He slowly slid off and fell to the ground with a 'THUD'. Madam Hooch quickly ran up to him.

"Ohhh, broken wrist, let's go, it's ok." She walked off, and as soon as she dissapeared Malfoy started making remarks about Neville. Then Malfoy walked forward and grabbed a little ball.

"Give it here Malfoy!" said Harry. I knew this wouldn't result well and slid on my invisibility cloak.

"Come get it!" Shouted Malfoy. I could see Harry mount his broom. I kicked off the ground and watched Harry go for Malfoy. I reached forward and stopped him. He'd never done it before, I could understand, but he could have knocked us both off our brooms! Couldn't he see me--- wait, nevermind, invisibility cloak, right. I stayed next to Harry the whole time. Then Malfoy threw the ball ALL the way across the field, and Harry sped off after it!

Ugh, he is such an idiot sometimes. I sped after him and stopped next to him. He caught the ball and landed with ease in the crowd below. Everyone rushed up to greet him as I landed in the hallway just narrowly missing Proffesor McGonagall.

"HARRY POTTER!" She yelled. He walked over and I could see Malfoy smirk in the corner of the field. I went with Harry and Proffesor. She stopped infront of a classroom and went in.

"Good job Harry" I whispered. He heard me and turned around. Just then Proffesor McGonagall came back with an older boy, tall, jockish looking.

"This is Oliver Wood, the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team." Harry nodded, and so did Wood.

"Wood, i've found you a seeker!" She said excitedly. They kept talking with the occasional nod from Harry. He looked confused. Then Wood started walking around Harry talking to Proffesor about what broom to get him and lifting the first year rule. Then the Proffesor said happily,

"Your father would be quite proud! He was a good quidditch player too!"

Gone Now, Here TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now