Chapter 3

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 I kind of envied that Harry was already friends with Ron and they hadn't even

gotten to Hogwarts yet. Like I said before. I'm just going to lie low and try to blend


 As we approached Hagrid (I LEARNED HIS NAME!!) I walked up to Harry.

 "Sorry about Diagon Alley" I said apologetically.

 "I'ts ok, I just wanted to know why you were so interested that my parents


 "Well I-" Just then Hagrid came and started to talk to Harry about Lettuce or

something. I walked away slowly, thinking about how Harry had said my.

 About 15 minutes later we came to some boats. I got in a boat with a guy named

Dean Tomas who just blabbered on about Quidditch and what not (WHAT THE HECK IS

QUIDDITCH?!)As we neared the shores of hogwarts I pulled out my wand and stared at it.

I wondered if anyone else had the same wand as me... The boats rocked gently as they

touched the sand. Everyone got out of their boats and walked towards the GIGANTIC

doors. We all walked into an entrance way with BEAUTIFUL marble pillars. Just then the

pale boy I saw in Madame Malkin's walked up.

 "Hey, names Malfoy." I felt uneasy, like something about him was bad.


 "Are you pure-blood" He asked smugly.

 "I- I don't know, my parents are dead." I said in a whispery voice. As I said

that he walked away towards... Harry! I watched as Malfoy stuck his hand out, I think

Harry refused whatever Malfoy had said because Malfoy snickered and walked back

towards me. Then a lady in a long green dress opened the doors to a H-U-G-E Dining


 She led us towards a small flight of about 3 stairs. I could distantly hear

Hermione saying, ' I read about it in 'Hogwarts a History' '. I could faintly see a

tattered and ratty lookinjg old, brown hat on a stool along with a scroll. She

motioned for us to stop, walked up the stairs and picked up the scroll.The hat sang a

song and then FINALLY she unrolled it

 "Hello, I am Proffesor Mcgonagall, and when I call your name you will walk to

the stool and be sorted."

Hannah, Abbott. Hannah slowly walked up the stairs and sat on the stool. Professor

McGonagall lifted the hat and placed it on her head.

 "Hufflepuff!" It shouted.

 "Susan, Bones." Again, she walked up and the hat called,


 "Terry Boot."


 "Mandy, Brocklhurst."


 "Lavender, Brown."


 "Millicent, Bulstrode."


 "Justin, Finch-Fletchey."


 "Seamus, Finnigan."


 "Hermione, Granger."


 "Neville, Longbottom."


 "Draco, Malfoy." The hat barely touched his head before it screamed,

 "Slytherin!" There weren't many people left to be sorted, in fact, just me,

Harry, Ron, and a few other kids I didn't recognize.

 "Jade, Potter." Everyone gasped and leaned forward probably thinking, related

to Harry? I think so.

 "Hmmm, tough, Brave, Strong, yet, Stubborn and Persistant, Smart, Talented..."

 'Whatever my family was in, I want to be there.' I whispered silently.

 "Not Slytherin then Eh?.... GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone at the Gryffindor table

shouted, I sat between Fred and, well, an empty space.

 "Ron, Weasley"

 "Ugh, another Weasly?, Gryffindor." More cheering, and then, finally.

 "Harry, Potter" Everyone went silent just like they did for me. I could see

Harry mouthing out the words, 'Not slytherin, Not slytherin' Over and over, then,


 "Better be, GRYFFINDOR!" Once again everyone cheered at the Gryffindor table.

Harry came and sat next to me, everyone congradulated us, and pretty much only us. I

felt uncomftorble being the center of attention and grabbed some food to put on my


 The food was RIDICULOUSLY tasty! The main course had green beans, PB&J, and

chicken with Kasian seasoning. The dessert was HEAVENLY, now let me just say, I am not

very big on sugar, but there was Tapioca Pudding, Home-made Rice pudding, Raspberry

cake and more mouth-watering dishes. After dinner, Harry, out of the blue asked me,

 "What were your parents names?"

 "I-I- I really don't know..." I said wracking my brain, that was the question

I wanted to know most, what were my parents names? There was also what were they like

and so-on, but it's more signifigant to know their names.

 "You?" I asked breaking the silence.

 "I don't know either." He said.

 "Well, um, see you in the morning."

 "Ya, ok. Bye Jade." We both walked back to our Dormitories, extremely tired.

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