Gone Now, Here Tomorrow

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        Life gets a bit complicated when some tall creepy dude breaks into your house, kills your parents, and then goes for your brother. My name is Jade Potter and this is my story.

        "James! He's coming!!" My mom screamed as she grabbed a big blanket.

        "Get Jade hidden Lily!"

My mom threw the blanket over me, picked me up and gently placed me under my brother and I's crib.

       "Jade, you have been amazing at magic ever since you were born, i'm proud of you, and i'm sure you'll do the right thing. I love you." She told me these words on the verge of crying.

        Then suddenly a tall dark man walked in and with a flash of green my parents were dead. My scream caught in my throat as I thought of what could happen if he knew I was here.

         He advanced towards my brother. I shut my eyes tight. I wouldn't let him take any more away from me. As I concentrated a silver thread wound around as a force field for my brother. I wasn't about to let him go.

        Again I saw a flash of green, only through my eyelids this time as I was teleported to house number 6 Privet Drive.


        I had forgotten everthing about that night but the dark figure and the flash of green light.

        I was treated as a normal kid, not spoiled, not treated horribly. I had it good. On a beautiful Saturday I was sent to get the mail. As I walked down the hallway towards the door I thought about that figure and the flash of green. What did it mean? I wracked my brain for more info but it wouldn't give in.

        As I picked up the mail and started to sort through it I stopped and stared at the last envelope in the pile labeled;



                                                                      3rd room of the second floor

                                                                      6 Privet Drive


      How more specific could it get?  I threw the rest of the mail to mom and sat down. As I started to open the letter mom asked, "What's that? Who's it from?"

     " I don't know, theres no return adress..." I opened it and read it, confused. There was a section for uniforms (WHY BLACK??), course books, other equipment and a notice about broomsticks...

     "Uhhh, mom, dad? What the heck is this about???" My parents took it and read it quickly.

     "Maybe this is about her original parents?" My dad whispered.

     "For certain." She whispered back.

     "WAIT WHAT???? Orignal parents??!!" I screamed. I backed up slowly.

     "Honey, we found you on our doorstep, your original parents are dead." The truth hit me like a speeding bullet. If my mom wasn't my mom and my dad wasn't my dad,.... who is?


     "i'll be home after term." I called still kind of angry about them not telling me about all of this before.

     "Ok,... Bye!" They shouted. I could feel how guilty they were and it made me want to run up to them and say, 'just kidding!'.

     I picked out an old trunk from under the stairs, grabbed some money, my baby blanket, and walked out the door.

     As I walked out the door I saw a baby snowy owl injured under the peach tree. I dropped my trunk and coat and ran over to it. I picked it up carefully and put it in my coat pocket. I promised to buy it a cage, first thing. I looked at it sympathetically. Then I noticed that it had something tied to it's ankle.

         Leaky Cauldron

     The owl flew out of my pocket. Guess it was just unbalanced. Instead of flying away the owl flew onto my shoulder. I was greatful for that, I needed a friend.

     As I walked down the street I saw our neighbors car driving ridiculously slow. I walked up and just as I was about to ask for a ride it sped up and drove away. I fell hard on my elbows. I sighed heavily and propped myself up when I suddenly saw a giant purple bus. It stopped right infront of me. A young looking man walked out and said,

     "Ello' my name i' Stan, Advisor o' the Night bus, I was advised to pick someone up here, and am being payed extra fo' pickin' you up in the middle o' the day, sorry, side note, get on, ill take your luggage." I walked on slowly and sat down on one of the beds to the left. Stan brought my stuff up the stairs and dropped it on my bed.

     "k' were set to go to Leaky Cauldron" He shouted to the front. Then he pulled out a newspaper. The headline read, "The Boy Who Lived Attends Hogwarts"

     "Excuse me, who is 'The Boy Who Lived'?" I asked Stan.

"Only the most famous Wizard in the world. He survived you know who, thus, 'The boy who lived title". He said it like he was talking to a baby.

     "What's you know who's real name?" I asked fiercly.

     "We wizards n' Witches don't usually sopeak o' it but, Voldemort."

     "I need to know where he is. He deserves to die." I practically yelled.

     "That e' does but, you? Haha! No. Besides, we don' know where e' is." He said still chuckling as he finished.

     "Oh, ere' you are." He picked up my trunk set it outside and escorted me out."

     I looked at the place named, 'The Leaky Cauldron', it's one of those places you'd never see unless you tried. I opened the door to see a ton of people crowded around a very tall and wide looking man and.... a kid that looked very farmiliar..." Everybody was talking at once.

     "Good Lord!" Said the guy at the bar, others said,

"Doris Crockford, Mr.Potter, can't believe i'm meeting you at last",

"Delighted Mr.Potter, just can't tell you, DIggle's----" Then I got squished in the crowd. I waited and finally the big man led, MR.POTTER??? Potter?????!!!!!Coincidence??? I followed them out to the back into a little trash area out back. The man did something with his umbrella and then suddenly the wall seperated. As the wall started to close I ran through into a glorius, people filled Alley.


Jades baby blanket is the invisibility cloak, im sorry if that was not clear :P lol.



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