Chapter 2

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I could tell that this was where I would be getting my supplies. I walked over to the owl cages and found the small sizes. Right then and there I decided to name him Fluff, just because he's fluffy. I found one that suited Fluff and bought it. Buying the cage leaves me with just enough money for my robes, hat, cloak, protective gloves, wand, cauldron, and all my school books, but how would I buy the rest?It's my birthday money from over the years that helped me buy this and I wondered how I would manage next year. I pushed that out of my mind and continued down the cobble stone road.

 I walked into the shop named 'Madame Malkins.' As I walked in I saw that boy from the 'Leaky Cauldron' and another pale boy getting their robes sized.

 "Um, Excuse me?" I called. A lady came from out-back that I assumed was Madame Malkin.

 "Another for robe fitting?" She said excitedly.

 "uh, yes, I--" I started

 "That will be...Along with cloak and gloves?" I nodded.

 "Well, how much do you have?" I assumed she felt bad for how high the price was.I pulled out half my money and held it out to her.

 "Is half of this okay?" She said sympathetically.

 "Uh, yeah sure." I counted up half and held it out for her to take.

 "Thank you! Have a nice day!" She said cheerfully. I took the bag from her and gasped. 'She gave me a magic bag' I realized as my whole left arm fell in. Right as I started to continue down the road the boy walked out alone. I walked up to him.

 "hi!" I said trying to bring out my light side, the more information I could get out of him the better. Then a thought occured to me, maybe, just maybe, if this guy defeated Voldemort he knew where he was!

 "Hi..." He said uncertainly.

 "I'm Jade!Jade Potter!" I said smiling and shaking his hand. I could see him flinch at the Potter part, maybe he knew something?

 "I'm Harry,...Potter." He said Potter like I was going to attack him right as he said it.

 "We have the same last name?" I asked acting as if I didn't know this already.

 "I guess so..."

 "So what was with all those people at the Leaky Cauldron?" I asked trying to bring up something more interesting than the last name we had.

 "I guess i'm the boy who lived" he shrugged. I could tell he didn't know anything more then I did when he said it that way.

 "Lived through what?" I was trying ONE more time.

 "Voldemort, he, he killed my parents." I gasped. Could Harry be my brother? Could that even be a possibility?? I could see that Harry wanted to know why that was so interesting. Then the big guy came walking down the road. I gasped and slid into the shadows.

 "No wait!" I felt bad leaving him without an answer but seriously, that huge guy is just plain scary! I walked along the shadows to the rest of the shops to buy my supplies but the wand shop cause, frankly, I can't find it. I walked around for about 12 minutes loooking down every alleyway when I finally found it.

 I walked in cautiously.

 "Hello?" I called. It was dark, dusty, and chock full of little white boxes.

 "Hello! My name is Olivander, looking for a wand?" He said.

 "Yep!" I could tell by the look on his face and the way he walked that a lot of other people had come in that day.

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