maternity and paternity

Start from the beginning


Quint explained to a shocked June that the fog was caused by a specific type of monster whose name June didn't bother to memorize, as June understood it,These Monsters usually release a mist that makes the monsters nearby have to take care of their young while they are away, Jack arrived before the little dragon is born,A Jack passed out on the ground due to the fog was the first thing the little dragon saw, so now he thinks that Jack is his father, and then June was the second thing he saw, and now he thinks that she is her mother,As Jack still has remnants of rezzoch inside him, then the Mist  can affect his organism as if he were a monster,June's eyes widened when the explanation was over and dirk was laughing as he said things like "Damn, June, Jack really got what he wanted!" Or "Congrats to the new mom of the house!",Quint was trying to hold back his laughter, despite being worried about Jack, the situation was funny for the two boys, and June almost managed to get angry with them, Quint took an old paper from his pocket,And handed it to June "Look, bardo gave me this, he said it would help you deal with motherhood",Both boys then burst out laughing when quint said the word "motherhood", and june couldn't understand what was so funny about her stressful situation, she sighed as the two boys left the room because Jack arrived and started growling at them, even scared they couldn't stop laughing,Jack practically threw them out of the tree house, snarling and carrying the little dragon on his back As June read the old paper, she noticed that it looked a lot like a pamphlet of sorts, and after months of studying the monsters' language, she managed to understand the pamphlet's title "How to take care of your Boyfriend/husband/friend affected by the blue mist and take care of your new temporary dragon,A Guide to Motherhood".

-"nesting behavior"
The behavior of transforming an environment into a nest was the first thing that June noticed in Jack, he first took some fabric and old clothes and tied the little dragon carefully to his body,As he began to collect all the pillows in the house and place them in the plastic pool he called a bed,He took all of his dirty clothes out of the plastic pool and threw them into the house's makeshift washing machine, June found this part the strangest of all, Since Jack had never washed even one of his underwear, while he continued with this bizarre behavior, June had to watch closely, since being her moved more than half a meter away Jack carried her on his arms again and made her stay close to the him and little dragon,June almost felt like an irresponsible parent every time she wanted to leave the little dragon's side for at least 5 Seconds,Jack finally finished making his "nest", and soon after, he took the little dragon from his lap, and handed it to June, the boy then left the tree house, and took a shovel, while June watched him attentively,he then started digging a hole in the backyard, june then realized the nesting behavior wasn't going to end any time soon.


After finishing the supposed nest, Jack handed the baby dragon to June, he sighed seeing that the boy simply left the house and started digging several holes in the backyard, she went to look for answers On the flyer while the little dragon decided to settle on her back,she leafed through the pamphlet until she found something called a 'hole' it was right and june understood that that is what she was looking for, according to the pamphlet, the child's new father has the mission to look for "milk roots" underground digging holes of extreme depth, June rolled her eyes, knowing that Jack would never find the "milk root",That I was looking with a lot of effort, by sheer luck or randomness, the pamphlet stated what was needed to make homemade "root milk" if the roots were not found,June took a look at the items and with each item June's eyes widened, they weren't things that could be found in Ordinary doomsday supermarkets.


June tied the little dragon to her the same way Jack did and left the tree house, she went down the stairs carefully while the little dragon slept, she looked to the side and saw an angry Jack With a shovel in hand hitting a pipe he had just found and ended up mistaking for a root, he looked so angry that June thought it best to leave without saying anything and started Walking For the busiest part of town, the monster market, as June walked I started listing the places where she could find the ingredients she needed,they didn't look like easy things to find but luckily the information pamphlet showed pictures of the things that needed to be found, june breathed a loud sigh of relief when she saw that there were pictures and It almost woke up the little dragon, but luckily the little dragon snuggled back into june and I'm still sleeping, june felt relieved that the little dragon seemed to be sleeping soundly enough to Hear nothing around ,Since the monster market was right in front of June and it was extremely crowded, she was about to enter the monster market when she noticed some stares, the news had spread quickly,Wherever she went, people tried to contain their laughter, and while she bought the items she needed, the merchants always served her with a tiny smile on their faces, as if they were trying to Hiding her laughs, luckily a little old mknster lady very similar to bardou explained to her that That in the monster world it is normal to joke about her situation and that many consider the baby dragon to be an omen that the baby dragon's provisional parents would soon have a child of their own,June was startled by the supposed omen while the older monster in front of her gave a discreet laugh, June was so nervous that she could barely thank the old lady,even so june went after the last item, still with the "omen" in her head, june learned that the "predictions" of monsters have a lot of power and that they can come true very easily,June could hardly imagine herself taking care of a child, and trapped in her thoughts while paying for the last missing item, she didn't even notice Jack approaching her,The monster that was at the blue fruit stand where June was buying looked at Jack and then looked at June, becoming one of the monsters trying to hold back a laugh "Eh...lady,I think your boyfriend came to pick you up...",June took another scare with the monster's sentence in front of her, but before she could express herself and answer in a way that everyone could hear, Jack took June from behind and started carrying her back home,While this was happening the entire market was silent, but as soon as Jack turned the corner June could hear everyone exploring in laughter in the distance, June sighed, thanking god that the day is almost over.

June managed to feed the little dragon,It was complicated, because he almost refused to eat, but luckily June managed to calm the little dragon and finally make him swallow the baby food, or whatever it was,And it didn't take long for Jack Carrying June bridal style and taking her to his room along with the sleeping baby dragon, he glued June to the bed and cuddled up beside her, placing the little dragon between the two,June lay on her side and facing Jack, because the little dragon just didn't want to let go of her, the little creature held her tightly, June didn't care anymore at that point.She just tried to fall asleep while watching quint and dirk sneak into the house so that Jack wouldn't hear, the boy heard them but decided to ignore it, apparently Jack was also tired,he looked too sleepy to even scream or growl at quint and dirk,june was exhausted too,and so far her favorite part of taking care of the little dragon is this one, the d The little dragon squirmed a little with the noise and June snuggled closer to her so the dragon wouldn't wake up, and while she did that, she felt a hand on her cheek, she looked forward,And saw that it was Jack with his hand on her cheek, June blushed slightly as she watched Jack's face, he had a cold expression all day, but now he just looked tired, with his eyelids He seemed to have dark circles forming under his eyes, and his eyelids were almost closing, he spent a few seconds stroking June's cheek,Until he tucked her hair behind her ear, making June blush even more, Jack then moved his hand back to June's cheek, and made her lean slightly towards him, Jack approached, June blushed even more,And Jack just got closer, it didn't take a while for June to feel Jack's lips touching theirs, he held her firmly, without hurting her,And he was very focused on the kiss, June got wide eyes but soon closed them, enjoying the kiss too, she put her hands on his face and held him too, and they only stopped when the two needed to breathe again,the two ended up falling asleep in a shell shape with the little dragon being the smaller shell, and slept for the rest of the night.

-Cure (bônus)
Bardou came in with the cure through the door of the tree house as soon as it was light, it was a struggle for Jack to take it, but luckily bardou managed to get him to swallow it, it took a while for it to take effect,And to June's disappointment, Jack didn't remember anything from last night, she sighed "maybe we'll both be luckier with our feelings next time"

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