maternity and paternity

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June almost despaired for a moment, but she tried to stay calm, it wasn't a positive pregnancy test, not an accidental pregnancy, no, it was worse. Jack was on the floor, he wasn't passed out,He was just standing there, in the dark, he seemed to whisper to something that June couldn't see, she took a deep breath and started walking towards Jack, remembering how the day had started,Completely normal, Jack and June decided to go get supplements but as soon as they entered the market, the lights went out and a blue haze similar to dust began to spread in the air,June made it out of the market, coughing madly and trying to catch her breath, she looked to the side expecting to see Jack in the same situation as her,But the boy wasn't there, so June looked back,Jack jack had stayed inside the market. June opened her backpack and grabbed a type of cloth, she filled it with something and tied it to her face, preparing to enter the mist and do whatever it took to rescue Jack,As soon as she entered the market the fog began to clear, June found it strangely suspicious and her reporter's extinct said something was extremely wrong,She decided to find out later and go after Jack.June finally comes closer to Jack, he seems to whisper to something affectionately, and as soon as he realizes that June is approaching he quickly gets up, June gets scared and quickly walks away "Jack...?",Jack doesn't look at her and runs, he leaves the market and climbs on Rover, he tries to make Rover run, but June catches up with him, she grabs his backpack, making Rover knock him to the ground "Jac-Jack!, what the hell are you doing?!",June is surprised when the boy pulls away from her abruptly as he grips his backpack tightly, letting his baseball bat fall to the ground, June then finally looks directly at Jack, the The boy has completely ignored his much-loved weapon falling to the ground and he seems to be almost growling at June,his eyes have a strange blue glow, the same blue glow that crossed his eyes while being possessed by rezzoch, the girl then feels her face frown,The traumatizing memories go through her head, she tries to pick up her spear but she notices something moving in Jack's backpack, the boy's face softens and a small animal comes out of his backpack,The little monster has horns, it almost looks like some kind of baby dragon, he looks at Jack affectionately, but soon his gaze shifts to June, the little monster then jumps out of Jack's backpack,And tries to fly to June as a smile forms on her muzzle and a twinkle appears in her eyes, the little dragon throws itself at June, her chubby body almost knocks her off her feet, but the girl manages to catch him,The dragon starts to lick June, and the girl starts to laugh, with her face full of drool, the little dragon has purple and yellow colors all over her body,june laughs as the baby dragon licks her face all over and eventually manages to knock the girl to the ground, the baby dragon seems to just love june with all of his might,With the little dragon distracting her, she didn't even notice Jack approaching her, the boy carried her bridal style and started taking her to the tree house which was less than a block away,June tried to fight but the little dragon wouldn't let it, he was completely glued to the girl, June decided to wait until they arrived at the tree house to do something and try to acquire the Help of quint and dirk.After a lot of effort dirk managed to make the little dragon and jack let go of june for at least a minute,While Quint ran to bardo to try to get help,He returned after 30 minutes, while Dirk was already exhausted from trying to stop Jack and the little dragon from getting close to June, Quint went to June and took her and Dirk to the kitchen and closed the door,he then sighed "I have good and bad news",June and an extremely sweaty and tired dirk looked at each other with concern, then June said "you can start with the good one first, please",Thursday then put her hands on her hips "With, Jack's little "crisis" is curable, it takes a day to do, bardo said he can do it without problems",June sighed in relief,But that relief passed as soon as quint started talking again "But for now, congratulations, you are the new mom of the house",Dirk and June's eyes widened as June let out a scream that echoed throughout the treehouse and revealed her location to Jack and the little dragon who were looking all over the place for her "WHAT?"

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