I quickly turned around and became shocked after seeing that it was Aoi Higanbana... (If you forgot who she was... Well it was the Lady of the Blue Spider Lily or what not...)

I stood there paralyzed and she looked ready to kill someone... She had a smirk plastered on her face and I finally got out of my state of shock and was about to jump when she raised her hands and vines grew out of the floor...

I tried getting my Katana but she quickly used another vine to grab it...

She was about to walk closer to me when she suddenly screamed and jumped... Aimi saved my skin as she had a katana in her mouth and started to tear all the vines... I never knew that she could do that!

Aimi released me from the vines and we both jumped into the portal before Aoi was able to revive from her state of shock...

We could hear her groans of frustration and saw that she almost got in the portal, but I guess it closed up before she could get in...

Aimi and me fell until we fell in a plain meadow... I saw a bush and said,

"Could you hide here until I collect the coin?"

Aimi nodded and hid inside of the bush...

"Oh and here in case of any danger, I made a bracelet that notifies the other person... Or in this case, you, if I am in danger... It sends you my location and what the danger is, so make sure to not take it off! Oh and also,  I may have bought you a suit from a random person when I was visiting the United States! A rubber astronaut suit! Well bye, stay safe! "

I put the outfit over Aimi's sweater and put the bracelet on Aimi's neck and got up and located Hantengu... Wait... I hear something else coming towards me... Huh why is my hair sticking up and I tasted something metallic like... Wait why do I feel di- oh ****!

I quickly got down and covered myself up... But the pain was excruciating... Lighting... How I hate it...

I screamed in pain (>_<)... I got up after a couple of minutes and saw that I had an injury in my arm from the lightning...

I quickly looked around and saw...

Sekido... Oh no... Isn't he the anger clone... Yeah... yeah he is...

I finally tracked down Hantengu and said to Sekido,

"Uh, h-h-hey, b-buddy! Wou-Would y-you like to uh s-s-s-settle this over a uh c-cup of t-tea??? "

"No! "

He truly needs therapy to manage his anger...

"N-no? That's fine! W-we could t-talk right here and uh right now? "

"Fine... "

I pulled the danger string on the bracelet and said...

"Uhm... So you are stressed right now, correct? "

He rolls his eyes and said,

"Yes... But what is it to you?! "

"Well, you can tell me what you need! "

"You... "

"Excuse me what? "

"You Heard Me! "

"Ow... Don't yell... "

"Sorry... " he muttered.

"Well uh I think we should just be friends! "

"Why?! "

"I uh don't uh want to uh be involved in a relationship of any kind other than a friendship relationship right now..."

I glanced out in the open and saw that Aimi came to me with a Katana, and she looked so cute... It was adorable but I snapped out of it and said,

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