Chapter 10: Something In My Mind

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    Something wasn't right.

    It had been a few days since the nightmare, and things have been happening, both to Animalia and to Lizzie.

    There was something  in her mind. It kept her from telling others that something was wrong, and made her act standoffish and mean to Lady Katherine, who was still being kind despite Lizzie's awful behavior.

    Moreover, there had been reports of some shadow creature in Animalia, and in other empires as well. There was another meeting scheduled for later, since some things had happened in other empires.

    Lizzie didn't know what to do. She didn't know what was happening, but what she did know was that whatever was in her mind controlling her was probably responsible.

     How she was going to tell the other rulers was the problem. 

    Lizzie walked down the street, but unlike other times, instead of being happy to see her, people ducked out of her way with scared looks on their faces, and mothers kept their children close. 

    She hated  it. She hated what the thing  had done to her, what it had made her do. Her people feared her. Lady Katherine probably thought she was a horrible person. And the worst part was, she couldn't even tell them that it wasn't her; that something had control of her mind and was making her do horrible things.

    I HATE you, whatever you are! Someone will find out what you're doing, and you're going to pay! Lizzie thought furiously at it, but it didn't answer or change. One time, when she had thought at it, asking what it had done to her, Lizzie had heard a deep, menacing chuckle not unlike the laugh from her dream.

    Lizzie knew whatever it was could hear her, and so she kept yelling at it, hoping that it would lose it's temper at some point and maybe lose control of her long enough to let her warn someone.

    It was a horrible plan, and it probably would never happen, but it was all Lizzie had at the moment. The problem is, Lizzie wasn't good at pissing people off. That was more Scott's thing. Lizzie was a nice, amicable person who liked it when there was peace and happiness, so intentionally trying to make someone (or something) mad or ruin the peace didn't come naturally to her.

    Hopefully yelling at it would be enough to eventually rile it up to the point where something  would happen, be it good or bad.

    Lizzie hoped someone would realize that something was wrong, that she wasn't acting right, and that they could do something about it before it was too late.

    Before it  used her to do something that would change the world forever, and not in the good way.

A/N: Super short chapter, I know, but Lizzie's POVs probably won't be too long from here since I just want to use them as a gauge for her sanity as evil thing possesses her and stuff.

We will learn more about evil thing as time goes on, I just have to figure out how to incorporate it in a way that the other rulers know about it, too.

I have a few ideas, but advice is always welcome!

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