This was so fucking awkward. I was so ready to leave and burn the damn dress. My anxiety was growing fast.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"It should be simple," Jess said, saving me from the awkward stare of her mother. "The dress doesn't zip all the way up. Otherwise, it's a perfect fit."

"I see, I see..." the woman said, peering at the box I was holding. "It's one from my collection?"

"Yes," I said.

"All right, if it's just the zipper, it'll be an easy job to fit it," she said.

Well, I had to give it to the lady for at least trying. Many would've gotten all phobic on me. It eased up my nerves a little. She was just... A fish out of water, I guess.

"Okay, uh, should we take a look?" Annamarie said to me. "I have a dressing room right here so you can put it on. And Jess? Could you bring us lemonade in the meantime?"

"Sure," Jess said, while her mother gestured for me to follow her.

"Right this way," she said, and conjured a polite, customer-service smile on her face.

The dressing room was at the back, separated from the rest of the room. Nic stayed right by my side when we entered it, while Annamarie stayed outside.

"Whenever you're ready," she said and closed the door.

I turned to Nic. "You got me into this..." I muttered with squinted eyes.

"But it looks so good on you," he said, trying to give me puppy eyes.

I rolled mine. "Let's just get this over with. I can't tell who's more uncomfortable, me or poor Mrs. Moore."

"She's fine with it. The Moore's are actually really great. Just... not used to everything," Nic said. "But she's getting there."

"I guess we wouldn't be here if she wasn't fine with this," I said while taking my hoodie off.

Nic's expression changed a little, and he forgot to reply to me. He was too busy getting excited to watch me change my clothes. I snorted in amusement.

"It's not that fascinating," I told him as I pulled my T-shirt off as well.

"What's not?" he asked absentmindedly, then forced himself to look me in the eye.

"Me changing my clothes," I said and opened the box to get the dress from it.

"Ah, but it is," he murmured, touching my side gently. "Especially after this morning..."

I shook my head, but I couldn't blame him. The mood from this morning was still lingering in my mind as well. I turned my back on him just to get a grip, but Nic was still teasing me with his soft touches.

"Help me get this thing one," I said as I pulled the dress out of the box.

"You're not taking your pants off?" Nic asked mischievously.

"No," I said sternly.

He laughed lightly, helping me with the big hem as I pulled the dress over my head, then with the zipper.

"It suits you so well..." he muttered, his hands finding their places on my hips. "You look so hot in it."

"Is it... Is it because it makes me more feminine?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know... Is that a bad thing?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my stomach so he could rest his chin on my shoulder.

I shrugged. "Do you wish I was a girl?"

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