Letter 6

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Hey Daddy,

Today marks a year since you've passed. And by god is it a horrid year. I wish I could say today has been easy but I've found myself holding back the tears. I wish I could tell you how Uncle Tam and Jimmy are feeling but I can't. I haven't spoken to them since your funeral. And in 12 days time, it marks a year since we buried you. And it's hard to fathom it's been that long.

I wish I could tell you things have changed since the last letter but they haven't. They're still the same. The craziness is still ever growing within us all. I wish I could say that I'm managing with everything but I'm not. I'm struggling with day to day life and today's date doesn't help with anything at all.

I'm sorry if you think or see that things are worsening, I'm sorry that I've not managed to be perfect. I'm just sorry.

Marriann xx

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