I extended my hand towards the baby thestral, its dark, ethereal wings glistening in the sunlight. The creature hesitated for a moment, its large, innocent eyes fixated on me. Gradually, it approached, its trust in the inherent goodness of human nature gradually overcoming its initial caution.

The baby thestral sniffed the piece of meat delicately, its elongated snout quivering with curiosity. Finally, with a gentle nudge of its velvety snout against my palm, it accepted the piece of meat. I couldn't help but smile as it took the meat, throwing it up into the air and playing with it.

Beside me, Luna's tender interaction with the mother thestral continued. With a graceful gesture, she presented the piece of meat to the majestic creature. The mother thestral delicately plucked it from Luna's outstretched hand, her ebony coat shimmering with hints of moonlit magic. Luna's affinity for magical creatures was apparent in every delicate movement, as if she communicated with them through a language unknown to most.

I turned to her, curious, "Luna, how is it that you have the ability to see thestrals?"

In response, Luna turned her eyes toward me, a glimmer of understanding reflected in her eyes. A gentle smile graced her lips, a silent acknowledgment of the weight behind her revelation. 

"It happened when I was just nine-years-old," Luna began, her voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and sorrow. "I witnessed an unfortunate mishap involving one of my mother's spells. It took a terrible turn, and the magic struck her with a force that would forever alter the course of my life."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of loss and the pain of that fateful memory. With each passing syllable, Luna painted a vivid picture of that harrowing moment.

"She passed away that day. From that point forward, I became intimately acquainted with the realm of death."

"As I grew older," Luna continued, her voice filled with quiet resilience, "I realized that my encounter with death granted me a unique perspective. Thestrals, these elusive creatures, dwell in the shadows, veiled from the gaze of most. However, those who have witnessed death firsthand are granted the privilege of glimpsing these magnificent beings, the guardians of departed souls."

I nod and let the words sink in. 

"How can you see thestrals?" She asks.

I looked over at her, observing the genuine concern in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, I feel a mixture of vulnerability and trust flowing through me. Opening up about my past isn't easy, but I know she deserves to hear the truth. With a faint tremor in my voice, I begin to recount the painful memories etched deep within my soul.

"It's because of my older sister, Laila," I explain, my voice laced with sadness. "She passed away when I was ten years old..."

I recount the incident, revealing the emotional storm that surrounded my family. "There was an argument, and I had somehow managed to upset my father, who was never known for his level-headedness. Laila, was always protective of me and our younger sister. Well, she stepped in front of me, protecting me from him..." I paused for a moment.

"She shouted at him, demanding that he stop. But in the heat of the moment, my father uttered the unforgivable curse," I continue, my voice growing quieter. "I stood there, frozen with fear and disbelief, as I watched my sister collapse onto the ground." The memory resurfaces with vivid clarity, the pain and loss still fresh after all these years.

Tears well up in my eyes as I remember the desperate attempts to revive her. "I cried and begged her to wake up, to come back to us, but she remained still, lifeless." 

The scene unfolds further as I describe the aftermath. "My mother rushed into the room, her horrified screams echoing through the house. She too witnessed the horrific sight and was shattered by the loss of her daughter. My father disappeared after that and we never saw him again." My voice quivers, mirroring the devastation that tore our family apart.

"After Laila's funeral, my mother made the difficult decision to leave our home. We packed our belongings, my younger sister and I, and embarked on a new journey, seeking refuge in a different place. And we ended up here." 

I felt the gentle touch of Luna's hand as it intertwined with mine, instantly filling me with a soothing sense of comfort. Glancing up at her, I couldn't help but offer a small smile in return.

Curiosity lingered in Luna's eyes, "Is your younger sister attending Hogwarts as well?"

Shaking my head slightly, I replied, "No, she's only ten. But she'll be joining us here next year."

Luna nodded, her excitement evident. "I can't wait to meet her," she said with genuine anticipation.

Returning her smile, I remarked, "I'm certain you two will become great friends. She shares your love for magical creatures."

A gleam of joy twinkled in Luna's eyes, mirroring her inner delight. Her eagerness spilled over as she responded, "That sounds wonderful."

"Luna," I began, the words hanging in the air for a brief moment, "Would you do me the honor of being my date to the upcoming Yule Ball?"

Her gaze met mine, and for a fleeting instant, time stood still as her eyes reflected contemplation. Finally, her face lit up, and she nodded with a radiant smile. "I would love to," she replied, her words accompanied by a tender gesture—a gentle kiss on my cheek that left my face flushed with warmth.

Reluctantly, Luna released her grip on my hand, reminding us of the encroaching darkness. "We should make our way back to the castle," she suggested, concern tinting her voice.

Agreeing with a nod, I acknowledged the setting sun. "You're right. It's getting late."

As we turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel excited for the ball.

Shadows of Slytherin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now