The Camping

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We had this event at school. Its a Girl Scout & Boy scout camping. 3days & 2nights. And its our job to make sure that the students are safe. Our group was devided into 2. So i was scheduled at day shift. But one of our members cant cooperate because she was sick. So i presented myself to do the day&night shift.
I prepared my things and went to school. I put them all in one place at the headquarters. I charged that WalkiTalky thingy my dad gave me for us to use. You know? That small radio that police uses to communicate to their fellow police.

I wore my Type A upper & lower camouflage. And its getting dark so its time for us to check them. But first we gather all night shift officers at the field. There was 8 of us, our commander devided us into 2 groups. 2boys&2girls each group.

Me and my team were at the TLE building where i saw the Big and Tall black man with Huge and Long sword. Its dark and we have our flashlights. But we save it for in case of emergencies. While the other team were at the 2nd year council. Its unfair because the station their guarded had lights while ours dont. It seems like we had this long distance to each other because between us is a football field. But we can see them because of the lights in their area while they cant see us because its very dark.

"Hey guys. Arent you afraid?" James talking on the walkitalkie.
"No were not!" Melody replied.
"Well, goodluck then." We heard james laughed.

We lay down on the ground and wait until the sun shines. But after an Hour, "Guys, whats that?" Patrick said pointing on the roof at the 2nd year council. "What's that?" Melody questionned us. "I dont know. Its like a man upside down. Im not sure! Tell them to check what it is!" Patrick gave me the walkitalkie and i started to command. We focused our sight on what's at the roof. It really looks like a man upside down. When the other teams turned on their flashlights and checked the roofs, the man vanished that easy. Then they signaled their flashlights like Nothing's in Here!

We didnt mind it again. But after 30mins i saw that man again! I swear i saw him! I immediately command them to check again. And they saw it too, but it ran down at the back of the 2nd year council building. They chased it but nothing happened.

In the morning, i thought its time for me to sleep. But i remembered that im on a day&night shift. So i was roaming around the campus and my new team are at the back of me. Nothing surprising happened in mornings so lets skip it.

Its already 4pm and the night shift groups arrived. They arranged the big tables at the library and took it outside for us to rest or sleep. As i lay down, i didnt expect myself to sleep that easily. My team woke me up because our señor saw a lady behind my back staring at me. I took a bath and wore my camouflage again.

On the 2nd night, our team became lazy. They went to the HQ and took a sleep while the four of us were roaming around. Im with James, his always been my partner since we started training. While Melody and Patrick had their own duties.
We're at the middle of the stage, james was singing Biglang Liko when i suddenly saw two children playing outside the computer room. The boy was chasing the little girl and because im so hagard i didnt mind it at all. I sat beside James and started singing.

James and i Argued on something thats why i went to the 2nd yr building to check the boy scouts. When i secured that they're alright, i started walk back to the stage but when i was walking, i could hear the sounds of combat shoes following me. I thought it was James following me, i pretended that i didnt care. But when i turned around, nothing was there. Only the darkness! I realized that i walked through the garden of our teacher. He said that the tree was planted here before the school was built. Everyone says that tree was haunted and causes "BAGAT". I ran towards James while im still catching my breath. James tried to calm me and i did it.

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