The Headquarters

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Every CAT officers has a Headquarters. I spent last night watching love stories thats why im late to school. My teachers wont let me in so i went to our HQ. I sat and lay my head on the table. Covered my face with my hands, im so sleepy yet i cant sleep. Its like someone's watching me. Observing what i've been doing for the past 1hour. I checked if my "Buddies" or so called Co-trainors were there. But they weren't there. So i lay down my head again on the table. Covered my face again with my hands. After 20mins, I felt heavy in my shoulders. Its like someone wants to talk to me. I kept my eyes closed. Pretending i was asleep. I open my eyes a little bit for me to see if who's touching me. Then i saw a girl looking at me. Her expression says that she needs my help. I suddenly shut my eyes and pray. After that, the girl vanished.

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