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I was taking a nap when Mack got back from what I'm assuming was his interrogation. He's just sitting in his cell; he looks all upset. He's got his head in his hands.

"Are you okay...?" Obviously, I know the answer to that is no.

"What do you think!?" He spat, looking up at me. Then he paused, "No, I'm sorry." He sounded so conflicted. And see, this is odd 'cause I don't really think I've heard Mack sound so uh, ashamed for what he's got himself into. He's always playin' the defensive. He ain't ever said out loud...that he was feeling so bad about this all.

I don't want to be rude or nothin' but Mack ain't never one to ever admit he's wrong. It always takes a little extra push to get anything out of him. Mack put his head back in his hands and just let himself fall over. Now he's just laying on the floor, curled up like a child, seconds away from a tantrum.

I don't wanna even imagine the terrible feelings and emotions that must be runnin' through his mind.


"I'm sorry, okay!?" The little man was sure going through it.

"I'm not looking for any sorta apology. I just want to talk to you."

Mack turned away from me. I could hear him sniffling. Either he was about to cry or had already began to choke up.

"Mack...?" I continued.

He didn't respond, so I just let myself talk.

"Well, I'm gonna talk to you anyway. You don't gotta say nothin' back to me. I know you upset. I also know you crying. Idunno what it is with guys and hiding when they's upset-but turning away from me ain't gonna hide a thing. "

"I'm not crying." Mack insisted. He was very obviously trying to swallow his distress, but I could still hear it. And besides, I could see it. "I'm not-."

"Mack, you're on the floor and I can hear your shaky breathing. It's okay to cry. " He didn't respond to me, but I let it be, "I'm just worried about you. You know, from a friend to a friend. You are very successful, Mack. We were very successful. Now I won't be surprised if Mr. Reynolds cuts our names out of the picture entirely..., but I digress. I'm not scolding you. And I'm not tryna pressure or degrade you..."

I got up and sat on the floor so that I'd be as close as possible to him.

"But even I wanna know why. Why'd you take that little boy to the store and then tell me he'd been picked up? Why'd you willingly do that? It's just so...odd. "

"Leave me be." Mack sighed.

I just kept talking.

"And don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend you, but you've always been...a little 'short tempered' and ever since last year, honestly, I've noticed your behavior has kind of changed a little."

"You're over analyzing me. Nothing's changed."

"Mack, I can list the changes I've seen."

"Go ahead and list them, Moore."

"Fine then, you ain't believe me? I will...!" I confidently replied, "You stopped changing your hair, you only ever wear it pink; and sometimes you don't even re-dye it. Your roots are just as brown as they wanna be. You don't send out those cute little 'thank you' party cards with Auvo, Gigi you and I on em no' more. You dropped from four tricks a show... to three- or four when you feel like it. You hardly change your outfit for 'Macky' anymore, you always stay in that dress. You've been having me take more and more pictures with the kids. Almost like you don't wanna be around them. And back to that short-tempered thing..."

I am NOT a CRIMINAL!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum