Chapter 2: A Promise in Spring

Start from the beginning

"Hiyori! What were you thinking?!" Yato shouted getting up from his spot on the blanket.

"Hiyori came to Lady Bishamon's shrine and wrote this!" Kazuma held out a wooden plague. He walked over to you and gave Yato and you the note Hiyori wrote for the war god.

"Please bring everyone"

"'With everyone', huh.." Yato repeated.

"Lady Bishamon, thank you for coming on invitation. Now, please sit near Yato." Hiyori pointed at Yato with a big smile plastered onto her face. .

"What?" You were took'n in by surprise. Noticing Hiyori smirk at you which made you disappointed that you know Yato only wants to sit with you.

"Yeah, what?!" Yato agrees with you exclaiming.

Also knowing the Bishamon and Yato disagrees sitting with each other.

Dark sighs, "Yato, be nice for today will you? You'll have another chance to sit with my sister." You  tug at the end of his sleeve.

"Why her?! I rather sit with (Y/n) than this crazy chick, after all she is my girlfriend!" With hearing those words coming out of Yato Bishamon glares at him daggers claiming that you are his girlfriend.

"Yato, please make peace for today." Hiyori whispered with a worried expression towards the god. "Otherwise, this time will become meaningless."

"Who cares about that?" Yato asked, bewildered at Hiyori's sneaky invitation to the very disliked god. "Why is that bitch- "

"Lady Bishamon." Yukine called out. "Your regalia, Suzuha, was always caring for this blossom tree. If you truly think it's beautiful, then please enjoy today. If you are going to fight Yato, get out now!"

"How insolent!" One of child-looking regalia exclaimed, with an angry expression on his face. Kuraha grabbed the child's shoulder, trying to calm down his fellow regalia, Kazuha.

Bishamon went in front of Yukine and stared up at the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"It's a perfect cherry blossoms. Today, we come here with everyone, Suzuha." Bishamon  smiles fondly.

You walk towards your aunt and lead her to sit at the picnic.

"So, to build up the relationship between Gods and Regailias... Cheers!" Hiyori announced while everyone sat on the sheets that were spread on the ground.

A variety of drinks were raised into the air cheering. Hiyori looked down at Yato and Bishamon feeling the tension. You on the other hand sat in between so that they won't make a big deal out of it.

At least you tried.

"Hey, what should we do in this situation?" Daikoku asked as Dark, Hiyori, Yukine and Kazuma leaned in.

"The other gods can get along well..." Yukine said sweat dropping.

"Well (N/n) did tired." Dark mumbled.

"Now, the meat is ready! Cooking meat is also my ability!" Tenjin said grilling the meat.

"Wow, Ten-ten is great! I still can't believe it, that Yato and Bisha sit and drink together between Clarith." Kofuku smiled.

"You're right Kofuku, It's great to watch these two together sitting with the princess."Tenjin commented. "It's like from before when Lady Carestia's first coronation of her birth."

"So, let's celebrate this gathering of all Regalia's." Mayu  holding a bottle of booze in front of Daikoku and Bishamon's Regalia.

"See? Only Bishamon's Regalia is strong..Yeah, right!" Daikoku laughed already drunk.

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