2. Wet (LS)

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We run to the room and unlock it as fast as possible. We're both laughing like it's our first time running in the rain. Almost like teenagers again.

We freeze the moment we close the door behind us and turn around. We're both looking at the bed, the one queen sized bed. We turn to look each other and both have uncomfortable looks on our faces.


"I guess Hotch got the two full beds. And this is the last room available. Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch" he said seriously and a little awkwardly. He didn't mention the possibility of asking Hotch to switch rooms, so I didn't either.

The couch is barely that. It's a chaise lounge. It's far too small for a 6'2" man.

"It's okay, I'll sleep there. You're too tall to even sit on it." I joke.

"I can fit anywhere. I can fall asleep anywhere".

I don't respond. I just kind of nod and look around the room. I'm shivering from the cold rain that's soaked every inch of my body.

"Y/n, go take a hot shower and warm up".

As I turn to the bathroom I realize I have no other clothing. Only an emergency spare pair of panties in my purse.

"I don't have anything else to wear."

"I have another t-shirt in the back of the car. Get in the shower and I'll grab it quickly".

Why is he so nice to me?

I nod then go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me but not locking it. As I turn on the water I heard the front door open and close. I immediately rip off my soaked clothing. The water is still freezing, so I loosely wrap myself in a towel, sit in a crouched ball on the bath mat and wait for it to warm up. I hear the door open and close again. The water is finally hot, so I stand up and drop my towel.

As I turn to step into the shower the unlocked bathroom door opens. Spencer stops dead in his tracks and briefly looks at my body before meeting my eyes. He holds out the t-shirt in his hands. His hands are shaking and he keeps taking quick glances down at the body. I grab the shirt and accidentally brush down his arm. He immediately pulls away.

"I- I'm sorry y/n. I thought you were in the shower because the water was running" he struggles to get his words out.

"Don't apologize, ever" I say with a grin.

He gives me one more quick look down my body before I step into the shower. He closes the door as he leaves the bathroom. I'm breathing hard and fast, my heart is pounding.

Fuck. That did not just happen. But it definitely did. Fuck.

I shower quickly and get out still cold. I wrap a towel around myself and leave the water running so Spencer doesn't have to wait for it to warm up again.

"Hey I left the shower on for you" I yell, still breathing hard and fast.

I toss his shirt and my spare panties on. My underwear is just a small thong, but comfortable enough and the only thing I have. I look at his shirt in the mirror and something about how big it is on me make me feel.. warm.

"Can I come in?" he asks through the door.

"Yeah I'm dressed" I answer.

He opens the door and is only wearing boxers.

This is not happening. This cannot be happening.

I feel really hot and almost weak as I look at him.  I run my eyes over his body before they fixate for a second on the way his boxers perfectly outline his dick. I look up and he's smiling.

Dr. Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now