1. Rain (F / Intro)

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I had only been working at the Behavioral Analysis Unit for four months. Everyone had just started trusting me, but I was still babysat on every case. Someone was always with me. My decisions always being made for me. I despised it at first and almost dreaded going to work every day. But it's started to grow on me. I'm paired with the same person on basically every case.

Dr. Spencer fucking Reid.

We both went to Yale and excelled in the same areas of forensics, so naturally we work together well. We're so similar and yet he's so overwhelmingly intimating to me. Maybe it's how insanely intelligent he is on every single subject. Or maybe it's how fucking hot he is.

"Okay y/n?" he asked.

I suddenly snapped out of my dissociative, dream state and back into reality. Although just looking at him urged me to fall right back into it.

"What?" I respond.

"We're meeting Hotchner at the head of the hiking trail. He'll run us through the crime scene and we'll go from there".

It's usually the same thing on every case. Get there, get the summary of it, and start brainstorming. Yet Spencer tells me how it's going to go every single time. Does he think I'm dumb? Or was he trying to be nice and teach me?

"Uh yeah, sounds good" I finally said.

I'm looking straight at him, turned nearly all the way toward him in my seat. Examining his perfectly messy hair. His jawline. The way he was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on his upper thigh.

"Hey, you okay? Where's your head at right now?" he asks turning to look at me for a brief moment.

On you, Dr. Reid. I desperately want to say it. Holding in those words is nearly painful.

"Yeah I'm good. Sorry, it's been a long week and I think my brain is tired."

"It has been a long week. Driving back and forth is exhausting in itself. But tomorrow should be better! I think we might actually have a day off" he says with a small, sweet smile.

Before I can respond we pull into the dirt parking lot. It starts raining almost exactly the same moment that he puts the car in park and turns off the engine.

He lets out a quiet sigh and leans his body over the center console to reach the backseat. His body is so close to mine. He smells like soft, expensive cologne. He slides back into the driver's seat with an umbrella in hand and opens the door.

Fuck. I didn't bring an umbrella and the rain is coming down hard now. I am going to be soaked and freezing.

Spencer shoots the umbrella open outside of the car door then exits quickly. He leans back into the car and looks at me with a little grin.

"C'mon y/n. We better hurry before the evidence is washed away" he says.

"Wait I-"

"You can share mine. If you can keep up" he grins at his joke and so do I.

I hop out, close my door quickly, and run around the car to his side. He reaches his hand out to me and I can't tell if it's an invitation to grab it or a just signal to get under the umbrella. I awkwardly speed walk to his side and he drops his hand, almost seeming disappointed that I didn't grab it. We make our way to the head of the trail. We huddle close to stay under the umbrella and our sides are briefly grazing one another as we walk. I slightly slide on mud and Spencer grabs my arm with his free hand, turning toward me.

"Y/n, are you okay?" he almost yells. The rain is so loud that I can barely hear him.

"Yeah, haha. Sorry. Thank you" I respond. He just smiles back.

Hotchner spots us and hustles over quickly.

"There's a pavilion over there" Hotchner says, pointing to somewhere beyond the trees. "C'mon let's go, everyone's under it".

Spencer and I realize at the same time that he's still holding my arm. He lets go and I somehow have a feeling of longing for his hands.

Fuck. We're coworkers. Knock it off y/n.

When we make it under the pavilion everyone is waiting, yelling at each other over the sound of rain and thunder. When Hotch starts talking I can barely hear him, but I can't focus on his words anyway.

Before I can put together what he's saying, everyone starts walking briskly away into the rain. Spencer, Hotch, two cops, and I are left under the pavilion. Hotchner and the officers start giving us the run down on the brutal case. We're listening and nodding, but all I can focus on is Spencer's wet hair and clothes that I can see in my peripheral vision. I can't tell how long we've been standing here talking, but it's been long enough that I'm completely lost on the conversation and what's going on with this case.

Lightening flashes so bright that we all squint our eyes and the thunder cracks loud enough to make us all jump a little. I can hear the sound of rushing water behind us and I turn to see the trail start to flood.

"Okay, we have to go before this gets worse" Hotchner yells and I'm suddenly snapped backed into it.

"Y'all aren't getting nowhere in this storm. They shut down the bridge to the main roads when it's bad like this. There's a little motel down the road. They only got four rooms though. I can give em a call for you" the cop says to us.

"Okay, thanks. Well, the other guys made it to the highway and can make it home before dark. Hopefully the motel has three rooms for us because he's right, we aren't going anywhere until morning at least" Hotch says to Spencer and I.

We both nod in agreement and I can feel my heart rate speeding up.

A night with Dr. Spencer Reid. Well, a night in the room next to Dr. Spencer Reid.

"They got two rooms. One with two full sized beds and one with a queen bed. Looks like two of y'all are gonna have a slumber party" the cops jokes with us.

"Thank you sir" Hotch says to the cops with a nod. "Well I'll take the queen and the kids can have the double beds" he says with a grin.

One night in the bed next to Dr. Spencer Reid.

"Sir, do you think maybe - " Spencer starts to say.

"You can follow me to the motel. Let's go" Hotch cuts him off. He opens his umbrella and makes a run for the car.

Spencer looks at me and smiles with a little scoff.

Of course he doesn't want to sleep with me. I mean not sleep with me but sleep next to me.

He opens the umbrella and motions for me to get under it with him. I step to his side and we awkwardly jog back into the car. When we get inside we're both soaked despite being under an umbrella. We look at each and laugh. He holds eye contact for a second before we see Hotch's car pull out of the parking lot. Spencer doesn't break eye contact.

"Uh Spence?" I say, nodding toward Hotchner's car in front of us.

He lets out a quick "oh" and looks ahead. I look out my window with a small smile on my face.

The car ride is short and the rain is deafening, so we don't really talk. As we pull into the motel parking lot, Hotch calls him.

"Okay thanks, we'll wait here" he says on the phone and hangs up. "He's going inside to get keys for the rooms and said he'll bring them back to the car. Then he said something about 'don't say I never did anything nice for you guys'".

"Lucky us" I responded, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, lucky me" then quickly said "Lucky us, haha".

Hotch ran up to Spencer's car and tossed the keys at him before hustling to his room.

"Alright y/n. Ready?" Spencer said with a smile, opening his door.

I nodded and opened my door.

Dr. Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now