Chapel of Love

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My love dinner is almost ready" Felix was in the kitchen making food, after the night they had this was well needed.
Felix felt hands wrap around his waist "how was your nap ?"
Hyunjin yawned "I really needed that"
Felix chuckled "you'd think I'd be the one sleeping with the condition you left me in"

Hyunjin laughed "and who do you think pleasured you all those hours, I was the one doing all the work"

Felix giggled "ok I'll give you that, now come eat"

The two men sat at the dining table, eating their food.. it's gotten to the point in their relationship where there was a comfortable silence.
"Jinnie ... I got my new dress today" Felix smiled.
"You did ? Well let's see it" the older smiled
Felix ran upstairs to get changed, the dress was a pretty all white flowy gown with beading. The dress shop in town received it and he just had to have it, he paraded down the stairs "close your eyes honey"

Hyunjin laughed "ok they're closed"

"Open" there stood Felix in his beautiful white dress twirling around like a princess, "do you like it ?"
Hyunjin face lit up "do I like it ? I love it ! You look gorgeous my beautiful doll" Felix ran into his arms hugging him.
Hyunjin couldn't help but comment "One day you're going to make the most beautiful bride" he kissed the head of the younger.
Felix looked up at the older "Jinnie .. do you see yourself getting married to me ?" the blonde said in a whisper. The older stepped back shocked by the sudden question, of course he did but what if he was getting life in jail ? How could he do that to the younger and have him married to someone who was never going to see the light of day. It wasn't fair to do that to him. Felix took the silence as rejection and immediately shut down "you ... know I'm sorry .. it was an ... impulsive question" he chuckled embarrassed for even asking.
He ran upstairs with tears brimming his eyes and laid on the bed face down crying into the sheets, hyunjin felt terrible. He ran upstairs and opened the door ... he saw the blonde drowning in his tears.

This made his heart break the only time he saw Felix cry was because of tears of joy, he never wanted to be the reason his love was sad. He laid down next to the blonde caressing his hair.
"My baby, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to freeze up like that ... but you have to understand it's selfish of me to marry you."

Felix looked up, his eyes red and his cheeks puffy
"How is it selfish ?" The brunette asked.

"Baby, if I go to jail and it's for a long time what kind of husband would I be ? Leaving you out here by yourself ?"

Felix sighed "but I don't mind waiting for you, you are my boyfriend and the one who took my virginity, you have provided and protected me. You're the love of my life ? Am i not yours ?"

Hyunjin gasped "you are the love of my life Felix, I spent 5 years trying to find you and a whole lot of others things that I'm not proud of, to make you mine. The word Love doesn't even begin to describe the way I feel for you. If I could I'd marry you right now"

Felix sighed "then why don't you ? If I'm willing to wait then why don't you just make me your husband right now"

"My love, you don't want to get married in secret like we're two teenagers who eloped, you deserve to have a huge wedding with bridesmaids and your family and a beautiful wedding dress"

Felix sat up "then what exactly am I doing here Hyunjin ? If you know you can't be part of my future what am I still here for ? You got what you wanted. You got me to love you and we've had sex, you've created a bond with me. But now what ? You expect me to return to my normal life without you, like I haven't been here for more than a year." The blonde was crying harder.

Hyunjin broke at the sight "Don't cry my dear" he pulled the blonde in and hugged him tightly.
"You really want to be Hwang Felix ?" the blonde sniffled "more then anything"
"Let's do it then"
The blondes eyes widened "w-what ?"
Hyunjin looked at him with teary eyes "Let's do it, Let's get married" he smiled.
Felix jumped up "really ! You mean it" he jumped into the olders arms hugging him like no tomorrow.
"Come on angel get ready! We have a wedding to get to" they both got ready in their best dressed
Felix did his makeup and curled his hair and pinned it up beautifully it was much longer now.
He added a flower crown and of course the beautiful gown he just bought.
Felix didn't care about the wedding size or how many people would be there or any decor he just wanted to marry his lover and carry his last name.

While Felix got ready Hyunjin looked for a chapel and when he found one he made it his mission to at least give his fiancé a nice small wedding. By 7 pm they were headed towards the chapel on the outskirts of town. They both signed the papers to be legally married, exchanged their matching rings for a second time and stood on the small alter exchanging vows.
"I, Hwang Hyunjin take you Lee Felix to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I, Lee Felix, take you Hwang Hyunjin, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

The old man was overjoyed "I may now pronounce you Husband and Husband, Sir Hyunjin you may now kiss your bride"

Hyunjin grabbed his husband so delicately and pulled him into the most passionate romantic kiss,
"Come on my beautiful husband let's celebrate" Hyunjin pecked the older holding hands as they left the chapel. they bought some champagne and a cheap little cake from the bakery and headed to a hotel where they celebrated their wedding night. They consummated the marriage that night and let's just say no one in the hotel that night could get a minute of sleep. 

The morning after Hyunjin drove them both back to their cabin where they both fell asleep exhausted from making love officially as husband and husband - wife.
Hyunjin woke up to the sun shining directly in his face, "ugh stupid sun" he finally woke up seeing his angel next to him sleeping peacefully. He smiled and kissed the youngers cheeks "My beautiful husband, how I love you"

Hyunjin was extremely happy so he decided he was going to head to the market and make Felix the best breakfast in bed, he doubts his husband would be able to even get up after the rendezvous they had last night. The air seemed fresher, the sun was brighter and the trees were greener "I'm a married man" Hyunjin said to himself as he headed for his car.

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