Fork in the Road

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"Ahh d-addy f-aster pleaseee" Hyunjin began thrusting into the blonde at an animalistic pace, it was 6 in the morning, the bed creaking under them It was round after round with little breaks as they made love all night. "I ... L-love y-you J-jinnie"
"I love you - Fuck- too my A-angel" Hyunjin releasing into the blonde and helping the younger ride out his orgasm. They both landed on the bed, exhausted and dehydrated.
"How was it my Love" Hyunjin pouring water for his lover. "Amazing baby like always" Felix placed a kiss on the older man.
Hyunjin knew they both had to shower but he wasn't sure if the younger could walk, most likely he couldn't.
"My angel let's go shower" Felix nodded agreeing. It was still winter but it was hotter then ever, both were sticky and sweaty.
As Hyunjin carried Felix to the bath placing him gently in the water, he then followed sitting behind him. Grabbing the shampoo he began to massage it into the blondes scalp, "You know my love, I've never felt happier then how I feel right now" Hyunjin placed a kiss on the blondes shoulder.

"Awww I feel the same Jinnie, you make me so happy" Felix smiled.
Sometimes he did use to think of his old life and his friends and school. He wondered how far he would be in his courses or if he got a good grade on that essay. These thoughts always crossed his mind but in a weird way he believed this was fate, he believed the universe put hyunjin in his life to show him the true definition of love. It sounded crazy but to Felix it was  one of those love stories like in a movie or book.
All he knew for sure was he wanted to be with the man for the rest of his days. Aside from Hyunjin's past behavior, he is everything Felix wanted in a boyfriend and husband. He was attentive, caring, romantic, protective and he worshipped the ground the blonde walked on. There's nothing in this world that Felix wanted that Hyunjin couldn't give him.
Maybe The universe did hear Felix prayers about wanting a man that was all about him but it never  specified what he would have to go through to get it.

"What's on your mind darling" Hyunjin was lathering soap to wash the youngers back.
"Oh nothing ... the older could tell just by his babies demeanor something was on his mind
"My love talk to me ... you know I'll listen"

"Jinnie ... do you think they stopped looking for me ?" This question made the older tense up immediately, after all this time did the blonde still want to leave ? "I'm not sure my love, why do you ask ?" Felix sighed "I just get scared ... what if they find me and take me from you"
Hyunjin always thought about the possibility but hearing the younger express concern over being found made him worried. Hyunjin covered his tracks really well, he did everything right to hide their identities and their cabin but they're not invisible so the possibility of being discovered was still high.
"Listen my love no matter what happens, I will not let anyone take what we have away. Do you hear me ? He held the blonde's cheeks.
"You promise ?" Felix said tears brimming his eyes
"I promise my baby, no one will take you from me"

"What do you mean we can't get a warrant" Chan shouted.
"Look you don't have enough probable cause for a warrant chan" The DA said.
Seungmin was pacing around the office feeling the anger from his NOW boyfriend ( we will get into that later ) "what exactly do you need so we can get a warrant Namjoon" Seungmin hissed.

"You need to have proof that he's got the boy still, a judge isn't going to let you just barge into this cabin with no evidence" Joon stated

"What are you talking about ! We have two witnesses that saw Felix in the arms of that monster" Chan shouted

"Yes and they also said he came out and held the man's hand, kissed him and was not held against his will. He could have easily escaped at that time and he didn't Chan" Joon tried having patience for the detective.

Chan was ready to punch the wall "let me handle this honey" Seungmin said trying to calm the man down.
"Joon I believe Felix is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, he has developed a relationship with Hyunjin to cope with being imprisoned. It's a survival technique for those who are in danger or being abused, he was kidnapped and is being held. God knows what that man's doing to him as we speak"

"Seungmin I know what you're up against but other then the murder of Ms.Choi which you have no physical evidence for, you have nothing on this man. The letters he sent to Felix could prove stalking but in Korea they have no serious punishment for that yet.

"So how much time can that get him ?" Seungmin asked

"Mhm few months maybe and a restraining order" joon replied.

The detective and doctor both sighed, "yeah few months for double murder, stalking and kidnapping. That's justice" Chan said sarcastically.

"Chan he didn't kill Felix's grandmother, The M.E stated she had died of natural causes 8 hours before Felix even arrived there."
Felix grandma was sick for a while that's why the Sunday dinners were so important to her she didn't know when her time was coming but her health made her believe it wasn't long. She didn't want to tell Felix in fear that it might worry him.

"And the kidnapping ? How do you know he didn't go willingly ?" Joon questioned

Chan began rubbing his temples, "Joon with all due respect, Felix was terrified of that man he murdered his neighbor trying to get to him. What exactly do you think he was doing there that night in a black mask and a gun ? You think he went there to propose ? No he wanted to kill Felix because he's an obsessed weirdo." Chan was on the verge of crying.

"Alright, will bring him in for questioning if the boy is still there we'll charge him with kidnapping but please if you're set on getting this guy ? Don't fuck it up."


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