Part 6

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I couldn't fall asleep last night constantly thinking of the events that took place. Every time I closed my eyes I saw the "man in the mask" you'd think I was talking about a scary villain from a comic book but no this was real. I glanced at my clock  8:30 am. I groaned and closed my eyes for a few minutes when I heard a loud knock on my front door. I got up fast and went into fight mode. "was it the man" I thought to myself approaching my front door.


I slowly reached for the door knob. Heart beating fast and out of my chest. I took a deep breath and opened it.
"Detective Chan ? I said in a confused tone.

"Oh Mr. Lee - I mean Felix ! I didn't mean to wake you but i wanted to speak to you about something. May I come in ?
The detective didn't really wait for approval just walked in.
"Um sure .. okay" I said
I led him to my living room and offered him a seat.
"So what exactly do you need to talk to me about?"
I was a little bit anxious due to the circumstances.
" So Felix, um I know I asked for you to call me if you thought of anything else but I needed to know something regarding what you told me yesterday" Chan seemed almost hesitant to proceed with the question.
I glanced at him "Yeah but I already told you everything I know" almost as if I was trying to wrap the conversation up quickly.

"You see Felix in cases like this where we have little evidence and the victim obviously can't speak.. we tend to rely heavily on eye witnesses ... if there is any. Which there is... he said in almost a quiet tone.

"No absolutely not. I told you what I saw and I didn't see anything else. I didn't see him hurt her or break in or anything... look I'm sorry about what happened to her but I don't want to get involved in this" I said almost completely out of breath.

Chan gave me a disappointed look "Felix I know you might be scared because you saw him but WE can protect you and if you help us put this man away. He will never hurt anyone ever again" he placed his hand on my hands "your neighbor deserves justice, she deserves to have this man put away for life for what he did to her" he exclaimed in a tone with tears brimming his eyes.

"What do I have to do ?"

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