CHAPTER 35-Reunion

Start from the beginning

Nomad: "Admiral (L/n)." he whispers, a hint of hatred in his voice. "The Separatists' best Admiral."

Obi Wan: "What's he doing here?" he whispers questioningly.

(Y/n): "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything special." he said, starting a conversation.

Najenda and Luna stood behind (Y/n) and the Commando Droids. Letting him do his thing. Jackson steps up.

Jackson: "No. You just arrived at the right time, because we've been itching for a gunfight." he retorts, his hands on his belt as he stood in front of the Outlaws.

Najenda gasps seeing him as her eyes widen.

(Y/n): "I'm not here to start a fight. I'm merely here to request your assistance with something." he said, calmly.

Jackson: "Yeah? What would that be?" he beckons.

(Y/n): "We have a lot of civilians that need to get as far away as possible from Union. We figured the SSS was the best bet, but getting them there was a problem. I've been told you have a contact in the Separatist States." he explains.

Jackson: "How do you know that?" he asks, trying to stall.

(Y/n): "reliable sources." he replies. "Will you help us?" he asks.

Jackson: "I don't know. That seems like a hefty order." he said. "How do I know you don't work for Union?"

Najenda clenches her fists a little before stepping past the droids.

Najenda: "We destroyed Fort Bingham." she says.

Jacksons eyes widened seeing her. Najenda saw the disbelief in his eyes. They've been apart for a long time. Jackson signals for the Outlaws to lower their weapons and they do so. But they all look at him curiously, wondering why he's giving the order to stand down. Nomad looks at Jackson and watches him turn his attention to Najenda.

Jackson: "Najenda."

Najenda: "Jack."

(Y/n) looks between the two and raised an eyebrow.

(Y/n): "you two know each other?" he asks.

Najenda was quiet for a moment before looking at him.

Najenda: "yes." she said before looking at Jackson. "he's, my ex-husband."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened before he looked at Jackson, he quickly changes focus to Najenda. He vaguely remembers Najenda having a ring when they first met. He looked at her hand and sees she's still wearing it. Daniel hears Najenda and looked at his boss.

Daniel: "That's your ex?" he asks.

Jackson just nods.

Najenda: "How are you alive? I shot you." she asks.

Jackson clicks his tongue before pulling up his shirt, showing her the scar on his abdomen.

Jackson: "You did. But I got lucky." he said, before dropping his shirt over his scar, concealing it once more.

Najenda: "Do you still?"

Jackson: "no, I left Union years ago."

A long silence soon follows. Nomad leans closer to Cassidy who looked at him.

Nomad: "awkward." he whispers.

Cassidy holds back a giggle as to not draw attention to herself. Jackson, however, heard and glared at them. Nomad steps away from Cassidy as the latter whistles innocently. Daniel rolls his eyes. This simple action let (Y/n) take notice of the Clone Trooper and.... the jedi. His attention latches onto the jedi as his eyes widened. He felt his force presence a while ago but thought it was some mistake, it wasn't.

(Y/n): "Well, this certainly is unexpected." he said, looking directly at Obi Wan.

Obi Wan takes notice and steps forward while removing his jedi cloak. He tosses it aside and stands in front of the Outlaws. (Y/n) didn't do anything as he just stood there, Obi Wan grabbed his hilt and held it without activating it.

(Y/n): "General Kenobi. Been a while."

Obi Wan: "it has, Seraph." he says.

(Y/n): "It's (Y/n) now. I abandoned my Darth name a long time ago." he corrects.

Obi Wan: "You lost the war."

(Y/n): "We both lost." he retorts. "Darth Sidious played both of us. Which will be his biggest mistake."

Obi Wan: "I still sense the Dark Side within you." he said, being extremely cautious.

(Y/n) hovers his hand over his hilt. Incase Obi Wan decides to attack him. While he had respect for Anakin. He and Obi Wan were at odds during the War. But they did team up once to take on Darth Maul and his brother alongside Asajj Ventress. Now that he thinks about it, he wonders if she survived the rise of the Empire. He has no clue about her whereabouts nor her current fate.

(Y/n): "never abandoned it." he declares.

Obi Wan has a stern gaze targeted towards the dark side user as he ignites his lightsaber. The blue energy blade shoots out of the hilt. This beckons (Y/n) to grab his hilt and ignite the white blade. Obi Wan's eyes widened. He recognized the cross guard hilt design, but not the color. It's the same cross guard hilt (Y/n)'s always used, but the lightsaber blade is White instead of Red. Why?

Obi Wan: "White blades? Last I remembered, your saber was Red." he inquires in confusion.

(Y/n): "I purified my bled crystal. Like I said, I abandoned my Sith name." he explains.

Obi Wan gazed at the white lightsaber before he felt a strong force presence, he looked at Luna who noticed his gaze and felt nervous.

Obi Wan: "Who's that?" he asks.

(Y/n): "My apprentice." he said.

Obi Wan: "You? Have an apprentice? Never thought I'd see the day." he said, a little jokingly.

(Y/n): "Well, that day is now." he said, turning off his saber. "Are we cool?"

Obi Wan glances between (Y/n) and Luna before looking at the Outlaws. He then looked at him. He disengages his lightsaber, making the blue blade vanish back into the hilt before attaching it to his belt.

Obi Wan: "For now." he said cautiously. "I still don't trust you. But, if you've truly abandoned your former ways, then I'll give you a chance. It's what master Yoda would've done."

Master Yoda. A name and person he hasn't seen in a while. He remembers the Grand Masters many attempts to bring him into the Jedi order. (Y/n) and Yoda clashed blades before but Yoda intended to bring (Y/n) to the Jedi Order as he saw much good in his heart. He remembers Yoda saying that he's not like Count Dooku. Boy was that green jedi persistent. But his allegiance was to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Not the Republic that took everything from him. He refused to become a servant of the Galactic Republic. Even to this day, he still hates the Republic for everything they've done to him.

But if Obi Wan is at least giving him a chance, he'll take it. Besides, if Obi Wan is in cohorts with The Outlaws, he'll need to prove himself worthy of Obi Wan's trust in order to save the civilians they plan to send to Australia. With tensions calmed down, (Y/n) signals for the droids to stand down. Let the real negotiations begin. Obi Wan walks back towards Nomad and saw the clone had removed his helmet and had a hate filled glare pointed at (Y/n). The Clone turned around and walked off, but not after giving Obi Wan a disapproving glare.

Next Chapter is going to be heated and filled with all kinds of interactions.

Wonder who can guess who Nomad is inspired by?

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now