getting out of the rain

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I was trying to find shelter of shorts to get out of the rain all while trying not to bust my ass from running.

when I finally found some place I stepped inside seeing it was abandon and I saw a motorcycle which was odd then I about shit my pants when I seen some blonde haired guy.

"fucking hell" I say

"sorry didn't mean to scare you" he says

"I thought this was abandon" I say

"it is. i'm just taking shelter till this rain passes. and I brought my bike in so it doesn't get ruined" he say

I nodded my head before introducing myself.

"I'm Jax" he says

"nice to meet you" I say

we sat there and got to talking about different things as we waited the rain storm out.

"do you have family or anyone that would be worried about you?" he asked

"no. all my family is gone. or well to me they are cause they dont want nothing from you unless you can give them popularity or money. so I washed my hands of them and I've been on my own" I told him

"wow" he says

"what about you?" I asked

"they know I'm outta town" he says

"do they worry about you?" I asked

"oh yeah. they worry and some of them are hypocritical" he says

"sounds like some of my old family" I say

 he smiled

as we continued to wait the rain out Jax and I seemed to form a relationship or more so a friendship. 

then we fucked the remainder time we was there and he never pulled out.

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