"He shouldn't go after other people's girlfriends!"

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I had just pulled Rane off a guy who doesn't understand no thank you I'm taken.

"come on baby he's not worth it" I say Pulling Rane back from the jackass.

 "He shouldn't go after other people's girlfriends!" he says allowing me to move him.

"I know. and he's not gonna take me from you." I say

we got on his Harley and left heading to where we needed to go.

I climbed off once we got where we were going, removed my helmet and I  stood so that I was before Rane.

"I know you want to do more manage to him. but with the ATF sniffing around and the charming cops trying to nail the sons for anything they can. I can't allow you to risk it and you be locked up for however long they want to nail you for" I say

he understood what I was meaning.

He climbed off his bike and removed his helmet and looked at me.

"he comes back around you and I find out I will handle him and I will not be tried for anything nor will I be arrested for anything," he says

"alright. just be careful" I say

"I will" he says before leaning down to give me a kiss before taking hold of my hand and walking off with me.

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