Country Half-bie

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#6. Country Half-bie

After a few more goes at truth or dare, finding out some interesting things, and destroying some people's confidence, we decided we could all have our own beds and rooms. We were in a rich family house, after all. Not the first bad idea we've had so far .

I yet again woke to screaming and gun shots. My first thought was 'well hell. More zombie mamas.' . I was half right. Nearly tripping on my covers, I bolted to my weapon, the rifle, (we had assigned each of us one last night before sleeping) and bolted out the door. The sound was coming from Morgan's room. Holding up my gun like a crazy-woman, I entered. The sight was über cray-cray.

There was a girl , about fourteen, with sand blonde hair in Morgan's closet . The girl was extremely malnourished and had completely white eyes with a dash of hazel and no pupil. Also she had a huge slash half-through her left arm that had a rotting bite mark on it. She was still alive. But how? The girl screamed once more , letting tears streak her face, and pushed herself further against the closet wall. "No! NO!" She screeched. I raised my eyebrow and dropped my gun. "Well , fuck." Whispered echo from the mass of the crew in the room. Cole walked foreword and picked up the girl like a total idiot, shushing her and whispering soothing words. "We're gonna help you." He told her . Tanner opened his mouth in objection but cole shot him a death glare and he shut it. "HELP ME!" She screamed, clearly traumatized by whatever had happened the other day.

Cole set her on the bed and pulled a knife that I hadn't spotted out of her hands. "We gotta help her amputate so she doesn't become a zombie." We rushed to the bed, imitating medical precautions and procedures. Tanner held her down, Morgan and echo ran to the bathroom for a wet towels , and I poured medicine after medicine that we had brought in our Baggies down her throat. She screamed while cole sliced and sawed the little remaining parts of her bitten arm off. It was really gory . But it was necessary. Her blood had not yet darkened to the usual zombie maroon/black.Then I heard Morgan scream and a gun shot followed. UGH! Echo and Morgan ran back putting the towels on the girl. "What was that?" I asked as I poured a cold and cough remedy into her mouth. "A little girl zombie." Sobbed Morgan. Woah. Morgan the plastical barbie actually had feelings ? And of all things empathy toward a little girl? Echo patted her back. " It's ok. She couldn't have been saved anyway." He said. For a goth he could be so soft. I looked up at cole. He had wrapped her nub (HAHAHA NUB! Oh uh that's not funny..) in the towels and clunked her head with a medicine bottle to knock her out cold. Like a dead body. Oh uck, think of the living Wednesday!

"Okay guys, back to sleep. It's nearly 1:30 o'clock A.M." Said cole, dumbly because he said ' o'clock A.M.', "Morgan, you sleep with Wednesday."

I sighed and trudged to my room, Morgan nearly clinging to my side. I opened my closet to make sure no booger-monsters jumped out. Sighing again, I fell into bed. Morgan was curled in a little sad ball crying. I sat up. "Morgan what's with all the feely cry-y stuff all of a sudden?" I asked. She looked up at me. Morgan had no make-up on, but she looked way prettier without it. "That little girl.. Sh-she reminded me of m-me , when I was little, playing with her little dolly like I had. But she wasn't like me 'cus She was a zombie eating at her mommy's face off. While she p-played dollies. Then she turned her face when we came in and ... And... She asked if I was her 'mama'. " she confessed. I decided to full on hug the barbie. She was the opposite, now that I could be close to her and actually tell, of heartless. "I'm so sorry we all have to do this shit. It's messed-up." She nodded. "If we could go back , we would. " she looked up at me again with her somber blue eyes and asked, "back to when?" I answered, "To the days of you being the most popular girl in school,"- " and you being the most memorable nerd ."- "And endless supplies of books"- "and boys to sleep with"-" EW. And wonderful Algebra tests"-"oh UCK." She finished . We lay back laughing in spite of ourselves. We then kept listing until we fell asleep.

In the morning I woke with her absent from the bed, and headed downstairs to the huge pristine room that rich people called the 'dining room'. The crew was eating bagels with cream cheese and apple-cinnamon oatmeal. The girl sat at the table too, talking. Some of the white had vanished from her hazel eyes. "...Yeah well me 'n Lissa 'n Ma were seein' my great-Mama and great-Papa when zombies 'ttacked us. Great-Mama got bit 'n she bit Lissa 'n started eatin' great-Papa . I tried to save my lil' Lissa but she bit me, 'n so I dropped 'er an' grabbed a kitchen knife n' ran ta' my closet an' did what I had ta' do. It drove me a bit crazy I guess. " She said in a sweet country bumpkin accent. I wondered if that was why the place was country decorated. "Hey Wednesday. Sam was just telling us what happened when.." Tanner trailed off. "Aw, I'm sorry Sam." She frowned and spoke through a bite of bagel, "it's 'kay, anyway, thanks fer' savin' me y'all . I'm feelin' a biscuit-load better." Cole looked awfully happy at that, you could tell that he was really into sam. Like, INTO HER. haha , that was cute. "So hey bumpkin, why do you talk for like, hours?" Asked Morgan, clearly annoyed (and semi-jerkish now) that the attention wasn't on her. "OH HAVE A HEART, MO-" "she does. She just doesn't show it." I interrupted cole. Sam shrugged, giggled, and said, "Y'all bunch're weird." "And you're the one to say it? You're a half zombie for crying out loud!" Said Morgan. "An' you're plastic." Replied sam. I high-fived Sam under the table and echo decided to break the argument before Morgan could shoot something back. "A half zombie... A hombie? A zalf?" He inquired curiously, mixing the words together. "A zolfbie?" Added tanner. "I think it would be called a Half-bie." I told them surely. "Ooh yeah!" Said cole. "Coolio! I'm a Half-bie guys!" Said sam. We all giggled at that. It was nice to have something feel a little bit normal.


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